Grading Scheme
The grading scheme for the course, as well as links to specific requirements for each assignment/deliverable and evaluation sheets, are given in the table below. Due dates for each assignment/deliverable can be found on the course Calendar. Please note:
- There is a 25% penalty per day for any late submissions. "Late" means handed in after the deadline. Thus, if the deadline is 5pm and you hand in an assignment at 5:01pm, you will be penalized. The penalties are cumulative. If an assignment is due at 5pm on Monday and you hand it in at 5:01pm on Tuesday (two days late), your grade will be (1-25%)^2 of the grade you would have received had you turned it in on time.
- Some assignments are "Individual" and team members are individually responsible for completing the assignment on time and will receive an individual grade. Many assignments are "Team" assignments and a single deliverable is handed in by the team. In most cases, all team members will receive the same grade on these assignments. However, the course staff reserves the right to "break up" any group's work and grade individually. This will be done if we feel the work or work quality has not been evenly distributed between group members.
- The evaluation sheets provide a sense of what we are looking for with each deliverable. You should keep in mind, though, that the evaluation is not strictly binary. In other words, just because you have "checked off" each component described in the evaluation sheet does not ensure that you will receive a perfect score.
Below is the points breakdown for all assignments/deliverables for the course, sorted chronologically:
Item | Team / Individual Score | Points | Evaluation Sheet** |
Project Selection Form | Individual | 5 | None |
Lab Notebook | Individual | 50 | |
Weekly TA Meetings | Team | N/A | None |
Weekly Team Update Meeting | Team | 3/session | None |
Team Contract | Team | 5 | |
Project Proposal | Team | 25 | |
PCB Design Exercise | Individual | 10 | |
Soldering Exercise | Individual | 10 | |
Design Document Requirements and Verification | Team | 40 | |
Individual Progress Report | Individual | 25 | |
Mock Demo | Individual | 5 | None |
Final Demo * | Team | 150 | |
Final Presentation * | Individual | 50 | |
Final Report: Technical | Team | 30 | |
Final Report: English/Format | Team | 20 | |
Peer Reviews (2 total) | Individual | 40 (total) | None |
Teamwork & Participation | Individual | 20 | None |
* Grades for these will be the average of the TA and Instructor grades; peer review grades will be used to provide feedback.
** Evaluation Sheets are subject to minor changes.