Lab Notebook

Video Lecture

Video, Slides


Keeping a professional lab notebook is a requirement of the course. If maintained properly, lab notebooks serve as an official and legal record of the development of the intellectual property related to your project. It also serves as a way to document and track changes to your design, results of all tests performed, and the effort you have put into your project. A well-kept notebook will simplify writing of all required documentation for this course (design review, final paper, etc) as all of the information in those documents should already exist in your notebook. Finally, keeping a notebook is simply good engineering practice and likely will be required by future employers, so it is a good idea to get in the habit of maintaining one now.

The Book: Any notebook with permanent bindings designed for laboratory record keeping is acceptable. Those with pre-numbered pages are required. Ideally, it should have graph rulings on alternate pages, or else quarter-inch square grid on all pages. We will not accept normal spiral-bound notebooks, as these are not permissible in court since pages can be easily replaced. While most of you probably won't be taking your design to court, we want to teach you to get into the habit of keeping legally acceptable records. Some of you may decide you do want to patent your project, so it will be very beneficial to have given yourself the legal advantage from the start.

We will allow you to keep your notebook on a computer, but entries will still need to be printed out and attached to a physical notebook for weekly meetings. Keep in mind also that it may be easier in the long run to scratch out rough graphs and equations on paper, so try to plan ahead. If you know you'll have a lot of graphs, equations, etc., don't make more work for yourself than you need to. Do NOT email your notebook entries to your TA unless he or she specifically requests that you do so.

Notebook entries: Each complete entry should include:

  1. Date
  2. Brief statement of objectives for that session
  3. Record of what was done

The record will include equations, diagrams, and figures. These should be numbered for reference in the narrative portion of the book. Written entries and equations should appear on the right-hand page of each pair. Drawn figures, diagrams, and photocopies extracted from published sources should be placed on the left-hand side, which is graph-ruled. All separate documents should be permanently attached to the notebook. All hand-written entries must be made in pen.

Overall, the book should contain a record that is clear and complete, so that someone else can follow progress, understand problems, and understand decisions that were made in designing and executing the project.

What to include:

There is always something to record:

Suppose you are only "kicking around" design ideas for the project with someone, or scanning library sources. Your objective is what you're hoping to find. The record shows what you found or what you decided and why, even if it isn't final.

One of the most common errors is to fail to record these seemingly "unimportant" activities. Down the road, they may prove crucial in understanding when and where a particular idea came from.

Requirements and Grading

Lab notebooks will be graded according to the lab notebook evaluation sheet at the end of the semester.

Submission and Deadlines

Lab notebooks must be submitted at lab checkout on Reading Day. If you are unable to attend lab checkout, please make arrangements with your TA ahead of time.

Electromagnetic Launch System with Switchblade Drone

Zheng Fang, Shuyang Qian, Xinyu Xia, Ruike Yan

Featured Project


Shuyang Qian (sq8)

Zheng Fang (zhengf4)

Xinyu Xia (xinyux4)

Ruike Yan (ruikey2)


Electromagnetic Launch System with Switchblade Drone


The Switchblade UAVs in use today tend to use pneumatics for power. It has been limited by its launching speed, cost, and portability. Making use of electromagnetic technology can improve the design. The project aims to develop an electromagnetic launch system which can launch switchblade drone well.


The project involves the development of an electromagnetic launch system and a switchable drone. The launch system is designed to propel a fixed-wing drone to a relatively high speed, using electromagnetic forces. The drone is equipped with a switchable wing mechanism that allows it to be housed within the launching track during launch and then deployed for flight after exiting the launching system. There are several main steps to finish the project well:

Design and construction of the launch system

Development of the foldable wing mechanism

Integration of subsystems

Testing and validation Overall, the project's success will depend on the effective implementation of these solutions, which will require careful planning, design, and testing to achieve the desired outcome of a functioning electromagnetic launch tube with a switchblade drone.


The solution will consist of the following components:

Electromagnetic launch system: the system includes multiple sets of acceleration coils, a base to hold the coils, a base with both a guide slot for the horizontal movement of the ejection ram, and a launch cart to hold the drone.

Switchblade drone: the system includes the main body of the drone, a pair of foldable wings, a folding device powered by a torsion spring, and an attachment device for the drone to the ejection ram.

Electrical control system: the system mainly controls the charging and discharging of the coil, the main components are Hall Effect Sensors, N-Channel Power MOSFETs, MOSFET Heatsinks, High Speed Power MOSFET Drivers, Resistors, Momentary Switch.


The success of the project will be determined by the following criteria:

Portability: Weather the system is small and portable enough to be carried in a suitcase or other boxes.

Speed of the launched plane: The speed of the plane needs to be fast enough so that it can travel enough distance and realize some additional functions.

Safety: The system should not cause danger to the operator or other people around it. Potential dangers are, for example, Mechanical scratches and electric leakage.

Stability: The success rate of launching the plane, and the route of the plane after each launching should be similar.


Shuyang Qian (ME): Responsible for designing and constructing the mechanical part of electromagnetic launch system including the guide rails, fixing parts and installation of coils.

Zheng Fang (ECE): Responsible for designing and soldering the circuit for controlling the charging and discharging of the coil.

Xinyu Xia (ME): Responsible for designing and constructing the switchblade drone which can be accelerated by the electromagnetic launch system and whose foldable wings can run well.

Ruike Yan (EE): Responsible for designing the control system for switchblade drone which lets the drone continues to fly after leaving the electromagnetic launch system.