Lectures :: ECE 445 - Senior Design Laboratory


Spring 2023 Lecture Material:


Lecture #1:

(February 17, 2023)



Getting Started

  • Welcome to the class! (pptx, pdf)



Pre-Lecture #2:

(before February 24, 2023)



Beyond Ideation



Lecture #2:

(February 24, 2023)



Moving Forward

  • RFA, Proposal, High-Level Requirements, R&V Tables, and Block Diagram details (Slides)


Pre-Lecture #3:

(before March 3, 2023)



Design and Writing Tips



Lecture #3:

(March 3, 2023)



Last stop before the Proposal

  • Introduction (pptx)
  • Proposal Details (pptx)
  • Proposal Logistics (pptx)
  • Lab Notebooks (pptx)


Pre-Lecture #4:

(before March 10, 2023)



PCB Exercise Tips

  • Modular Design & Circuit Debugging (pdf)
  • Why PCB Exercise? (pptx)


Lecture #4:

(March 10, 2023)



Intellectual Property

  • Patents - Henry Wang, President IPwe
  • Weekly Meetings Info (pptx)
  • Proposal Q&A

Spring 2020 Video Lectures:


Finding a Problem (Video)
Generating Solutions (Video)
Diving Deeper (Video)
Voting (Video)
Reverse Brainstorming (Video)
Homework for Everyone (Video)

Important Information

Using the ECE 445 Website (Video)
Lab Notebook (Video , Slides)
Modular Design (Video, Slides)
Circuit Tips and Debugging (Video , Slides)
Spring 2018 IEEE Soldering Workshop (Slides)

Major Assignments and Milestones

Request for Approval (Video, Slides)
Project Proposal (Video, slides)
Design Document (Video, slides)
Design Review (Video, slides)
Writing Tips (Video, slides)

Keebot, a humanoid robot performing 3D pose imitation

Zhi Cen, Hao Hu, Xinyi Lai, Kerui Zhu

Featured Project

# Problem Description

Life is movement, but exercising alone is boring. When people are alone, it is hard to motivate themselves to exercise and it is easy to give up. Faced with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemics, even more people have to do sports alone at home. Inspired by "Keep", a popular fitness app with many video demonstrations, we want to build a humanoid robot "Keebot" which can imitate the movements of the user in real time. Compared to a virtual coach in the video, our Keebot can provide physical company by doing the same exercises as the user, thus making exercising alone at home more interesting.

# Solution Overview

Our solution to the create such a movement imitating robot is to combine both computer vision and robotic design. The user's movement is captured by a fixed and stabilized depth camera. The 3D joint position will be calculated from the camera image with the help of some neural networks and depth information from the camera. The 3D joint position data will be translated into the motor angular rotation information and sent to the robot using Bluetooth. The robot realizes the imitation by controlling the servo motors as commanded. Since the 3D position data and mechanical control are not ideal, we leave out the consideration of keeping robot's balance and the robot's trunk will be fixed to a holder.

# Solution Components

## 3-D Pose Info Translator: from depth camera to 3-D pose info

+ RealSense Depth Camera which can get RGB and depth frames

+ A series of pre-processors such as denoising, normalizing and segmentation to reduce the impact of noise and environment

+ Pre-trained 2-D Human Pose Estimation model to convert the RGB frames to 2-D pose info

+ Combine the 2-D pose info with the depth frames to get the 3-D pose info

## Control system: from model to motors

+ An STM32-based PCB with a Bluetooth module and servo motor drivers

+ A mapping from the 3-D poses and movements to the joint parameters, based on Inverse Kinematics

+ A close-loop control system with PID or State Space Method

+ Generate control signals for the servo motors in each joints

## Mechanical structure: the body of the humanoid robot

+ CAD drawings of the robot’s physical structure, with 14 joints (14 DOF).

+ Simulations with the Robotics System Toolbox in MATLAB to test the stability and feasibility of the movements

+ Assembling the robot with 3D print parts, fasteners and motors

# Criterion of Success

+ 3-D pose info and movements are extracted from the video by RealSense Depth Camera

+ The virtual robot can imitate human's movements in MATLAB simulation

+ The physical robot can imitate human's movements with its limbs while its trunk being fixed