Design Document

Video Lecture

Video, Slides


The design document communicates the complete and detailed design of your project. It is substantially more detailed than the proposal and prepares you for the assembly phase of the semester. A quality design document is the key to a successful project. Use the following format.

  1. Introduction

    • Problem and Solution Overview:

      One to two paragraphs explaining the context of the problem to be solved by your project, including any relevant references to justify the existence and/or importance of the problem (i.e., the need or want for a solution). Justify the novelty of your solution or explain the expected improvements of your solution over previous results.

    • Visual Aid

      A pictorial representation of your project that puts your solution in context. Not necessarily restricted to your design. Include other external systems relevant to your project (e.g. if your solution connects to a phone via Bluetooth, draw a dotted line between your device and the phone). Note that this is not a block diagram and should explain how the solution is used, not a breakdown of inner components.

    • High-level requirements list:

      A list of three to four objective characteristics that this project must exhibit in order to solve the problem. These should be selected such that if any of these requirements were not met, the project would fail to solve the problem. Avoid vague requirements that can be interpreted a number of ways (e.g. "The radio subsystem should work reliably."). Each high-level requirement must be stated in complete sentences and displayed as a bulleted list.

  2. Design

    • Block Diagram:

      A general block diagram of the design of your solution. Each block should be as modular as possible and represent a subsystem of your design. In other words, they can be implemented independently and re-assembled later. The block diagram should be accompanied by a brief (1 paragraph) description of the high level design justifying that the design will satisfy the high-level requirements.

    • Physical Design (if applicable):

      A physical diagram of the project indicating things such as mechanical dimensions or placement of sensors and actuators. The physical diagram should also be accompanied by a brief one paragraph description.


      For each subsystem in your block diagram, you should include a highly detailed and quantitative block description. Each description must include a statement indicating how the block contributes to the overall design dictated by the high-level requirements. Any and all design decisions must be clearly justified. Any interfaces with other blocks must be defined clearly and quantitatively.

      Include any relevant supporting figures and data in order to clearly illustrate and justify the design. Typically a well justified block design will include some or all of the following items: Circuit schematics, simulations, calculations, measurements, flow charts, mechanical diagrams (e.g. CAD drawings, only necessary for mechanical components).

      You must include a Requirements and Verifications table. Please see the R&V page for guidance on writing requirements and verification procedures.

    • Tolerance Analysis: Through discussions with your TA, identify the block or interface critical to the success of your project that poses the most challenging requirement. Analyze it mathematically and show that it can be feasibly implemented and meet its requirements. See the Tolerance Analysis guide for further guidance.
  3. Cost and Schedule

    1. Cost Analysis: Include a cost analysis of the project by following the outline below. Include a list of any non-standard parts, lab equipment, shop services, etc., which will be needed with an estimated cost for each.
      • Labor: (For each partner in the project)
        Assume a reasonable salary
        ($/hour) x 2.5 x hours to complete = TOTAL
        Then total labor for all partners. It's a good idea to do some research into what a graduate from ECE at Illinois might typically make.
      • Parts: Include a table listing all parts (description, manufacturer, part #, quantity and cost) and quoted machine shop labor hours that will be needed to complete the project.
      • Sum of costs into a grand total
    2. Schedule:

      Include a time-table showing when each step in the expected sequence of design and construction work will be completed (general, by week), and how the tasks will be shared between the team members. (i.e. Select architecture, Design this, Design that, Buy parts, Assemble this, Assemble that, Prepare mock-up, Integrate prototype, Refine prototype, Test integrated system).

  4. Discussion of Ethics and Safety:

    1. Expand upon the ethical and safety issues raised in your proposal to ensure they are comprehensive. Add any ethical and safety concerns that arose since your proposal.
    2. Document procedures to mitigate the safety concerns of your project. For example, include a lab safety document for batteries, human/animal interfaces, aerial devices, high-power, chemicals, etc. Justify that your design decisions sufficiently protect both users and developers from unsafe conditions caused by your project.
      Projects dealing with flying vehicles, high voltage, or other high risk factors, will be required to produce a Safety Manual and demonstrate compliance with the safety manual at the time of demo.
  5. Citations:

    Any material obtained from websites, books, journal articles, or other sources not originally generated by the project team for this project must be appropriately attributed with properly cited sources. This means that even work the project team has done previously, as long as it was not done for this project, must be cited. Use IEEE format citations.


An example is available available to illustrate the expectations for a high quality Design Document: Sample DD.

Submission and Deadlines

Your design review document should be uploaded to PACE in PDF format by the deadline shown on the course calendar. If you have uploaded a DDC document to PACE, please make sure that it has been removed before uploading your Design Document.

Robotic T-Shirt Launcher Mark II

Hao Ding, Moyang Guo, Yixiang Guo, Ziyu Xiao

Featured Project



Guo yixiang (yg16),

Guo moyang (moyangg2),

Xiao ziyu (ziyux2),

Ding hao (haod3)


Our team has identified a problem with the launcher project that was completed last year. In particular, the previous design only included a single-shot launcher that required manual reloading and could only adjust the angle and direction automatically.


To address this issue, our team has proposed an improved design that will improve upon the limitations of the previous model. The Robotic T-shirt Launcher Mark II will be a fully automated system capable of launching multiple T-shirts by itself, without manual reloading. Our proposed design will also include more advanced features, such as the ability to adjust the trajectory of the launch. In addition, we will build it into a wearable device that could be carried on our shoulders.


The automatic launcher is comprised of several components that work together to provide a powerful and reliable weapon system. These components include:

Power Components: The power components of the system consist of an air pump, an air cylinder, a quick exhaust valve, and connecting elements. These components are responsible for providing the necessary power and pressure to the system to shoot out the bullet.

Function Components: The functional components of the system include the barrel, the two-axis gimbal (which is wearable), and the automatic loading system. The barrel provides the means for firing projectiles, while the gimbal allows for precise targeting and tracking of moving targets.

Control System: The control system is responsible for managing the various components of the system, including the electromagnetic valves that control the airflow, the actuator controllers for the loading mechanism, and the gimbal controller for targeting.

Human-Machine Interface (Advanced Requirement): For advanced users, the system could include a human-machine interface with features such as automatic firing, angle adjustment, and target recognition lock-on, allowing the user to engage targets effectively.


Functionality: The launcher should be able to launch T-shirts accurately and consistently at a controlled angle and velocity. The system should be able to handle multiple T-shirts without the need for manual reloading, and the entire launch process and angle control should be initiated and controlled by a single button.

Airtight and Adequate Air Pressure: The launcher's air channel should have high airtightness and be able to generate sufficient air pressure to launch T-shirts effectively. The air pressure should be able to be adjusted and controlled to suit different launch scenarios.

Automation: The loading system should be fully automated, with T-shirts being automatically loaded into the air chamber without the need for manual intervention. The loading mechanism should be designed to be reliable and efficient, and the electrical control system should be able to manage the entire process automatically.

Safety and Cost-effectiveness: The launcher should be designed with safety in mind. Safety mechanisms, such as emergency stop buttons, should be included to prevent accidents or injuries. The design and construction of the launcher should be cost-effective, and any additional features should be carefully considered. Also, it is necessary to implement additional components to measure some critical values such as gas tightness in order to prevent gas leaks.