Final Presentation


Presentations of the projects are given a few days after the Final Demo to an audience of fellow student reviewers, the lab instructors, and occasionally faculty or even students from outside the class who are following up a project of personal interest to them. The style is formal and professional, and students should dress accordingly.

Requirements and Grading

Each project team has 25 minutes for a Powerpoint presentation and questions. Every group member must present their own work contributing to the project and be ready to answer questions. Individual grades are given, and everyone in the audience participates in evaluating the presentation. Talks are judged on the basis of presentation technique and of technical organization and content.

Points of technique include dress, use of display materials and their design for readability, clarity of speech, absence of annoying mannerisms, proper eye contact with audience and smooth transitions between speakers. Content is judged on use of a proper introduction, orderly and connected development of ideas, absence of unnecessary details, proper pacing to stay within the allotted time, and an adequate summary at the close of the talk. Quantitative results are expected whenever applicable. Here is a general outline to follow:

  1. Introduction
  2. Objective
  3. Review of original design, requirements, and verifications
  4. Description of project build and functional tests
  5. Discussion of successes and challenges, as well as explanations of any failed verifications demonstrating and understanding of the engineering reason behind the failure
  6. Details of other tests including tests not explicitly required for verification procedures
  7. Recommendations for further work

Any significant relevant ethical issues should be briefly addressed, preferably in a single slide.

Presentations will be graded using the presentation grading rubric. Two sample Presentation documents - with notes at the top - are available at: Sample PRES 1, Sample PRES 2

Here are some recent presentations you can refer to: FA20_Team13, FA20_Team3

Submission and Deadlines

Slides for your final presentation must be uploaded to your project page on PACE prior to your presentation time. Deadlines for signing up may be found on the Calendar. Sign-up for the final presentation is done through PACE. Remember to sign up for a peer review of another group.

Authentication System for SARS-CoV-2 Management

Jiongfan Chen, Zheyuan Zhang, Zhonghao Zhang, Pengyang Zhou

Featured Project


- Pengyang Zhou [pz6]

- Jiongfan Chen [jc47]

- Zheyuan Zhang [zheyuan5]

- Zhonghao Zhang [zz46]


Preventing SARS-CoV-2 spread requires managing access to public spaces using a phone app. Scanning QR code at the entrance is inconvenient and leads to crowding. Specifically, access control in some other places requires users to take out their mobile phones and show green or blue codes to verify their identity, which also makes users feel troublesome. How to let the user be able to pass the access control quickly is a huge problem to be solved. On the other hand, the health code observed by the human eye is easy to fabricate. How to improve security is also a big problem.


We plan to design a wearable wristband for users. When passing through the access control, a corresponding RFID detection device can send identity query requests to users' wristbands from a distance, and the users' wristbands will respond to convey users' identity and health information. In addition, the wristband itself will send out a signal every few seconds to interact with other wristbands. This would help to monitor people suspected of being infected.


### Wristband Subsystem:

- Broadcast the user token for other wristbands to record the passers-by.

- Receiver the request for identity from the receiver and send back the user token.

### Inspection Device at Access Control Subsystem:

- Send signals to the wristband and receive the feedback of the user identity information, through the database verification and comparison to determine the health status of the user.


- The wristband connects the inspection device and carries out information transfer successfully, and interconnects with other wristbands.

- The inspection device and database can verify the identity and health information of the user trying to enter.

- If the wristband is lost, it cannot be used by others.

- The user token is hard to be fabricated.


- Wireless communication hardware design, setup, and verification - Zhonghao Zhang (EE).

- Design and manufacture of the wristband and inspection device at access control - Jiongfan Chen (ME).

- Build the data center; Encryption and handling of data - Zheyuan Zhang & Pengyang Zhou (ECEs).