
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
First class meeting 4:00p - 5:50p ECEB 1002
Second class meeting 4:00p - 5:50p ECEB 1002
CAD assignment due 11:59p
Add/Drop Deadline due 11:59p
Third class meeting 4:00p - 5:50p ECEB 1002
Project approval due 11:59p
First team meetings with TAs 4:00p ECEB 3081
Proposals due 11:59p
Initial Conversation With Machine Shop (required if using the shop) due 4:00p ECEB 1047
Team Contract due 11:59p
Design Document due 11:59p
Proposal Regrade due 11:59p
Design Review 8:00a - 6:00p With Instructor and TAs
Design Review 8:00a - 4:00p With Instructor and TAs
Design Review 8:00a - 6:00p With Instructor and TAs
PCB Review 3:00p - 5:00p ECEB 3081
Last day for revisions to the machine shop due ECEB 1048
Design Doc Regrade due 11:59p
Mock demo During weekly TA mtg
Mock demo During weekly TA mtg
Mock demo During weekly TA mtg
Mock demo During weekly TA mtg
Mock demo During weekly TA mtg
Fall Break
Fall Break
Fall Break
Fall Break
Fall Break
Final Demo With Instructor and TAs
Final Demo With Instructor and TAs
Final Demo With Instructor and TAs
Mock Presentation With Comm and ECE TAs
Mock Presentation With Comm and ECE TAs
Extra Credit Video Assignment due 11:59p
Final Presentation With instructor and TAs
Final Presentation With Instructor and TAs
Final papers due 11:59p
Lab checkout 3:00p - 4:30p With TA
Award Ceremony 4:30p - 5:30p Grainger Auditorium
Lab Notebook Due due 11:59p

Filtered Back – Projection Optical Demonstration

Tori Fujinami, Xingchen Hong, Jacob Ramsey

Filtered Back – Projection Optical Demonstration

Featured Project

Project Description

Computed Tomography, often referred to as CT or CAT scans, is a modern technology used for medical imaging. While many people know of this technology, not many people understand how it works. The concepts behind CT scans are theoretical and often hard to visualize. Professor Carney has indicated that a small-scale device for demonstrational purposes will help students gain a more concrete understanding of the technical components behind this device. Using light rather than x-rays, we will design and build a simplified CT device for use as an educational tool.

Design Methodology

We will build a device with three components: a light source, a screen, and a stand to hold the object. After placing an object on the stand and starting the scan, the device will record three projections by rotating either the camera and screen or object. Using the three projections in tandem with an algorithm developed with a graduate student, our device will create a 3D reconstruction of the object.


• Motors to rotate camera and screen or object

• Grid of photo sensors built into screen

• Light source

• Power source for each of these components

• Control system for timing between movement, light on, and sensor readings