Entrepreneurial Resources

Ingenuity Article on ECE

"If you have a dream, it's better to try and start a company and fail than to not try at all," said Whoola's founder Iyer, who is currently working with venture capitalists to hire a seasoned management team to help oversee his company's growth. Iyer appreciates the university's efforts to incubate start-up companies. "Some of the greatest companies got started in a garage," Iyer said. "This university is providing a five-star garage," he added, referring to the TCL, "so anybody who does not think the U of I is doing enough should maybe not be an entrepreneur."

MRM's Peck believes the timing is right for more entrepreneurs to enter the arena. "Students interested in pursuing this kind of a route are going to see tremendous resources begin to come into place over the next few years both on and off campus," predicted Peck.

Design Competitions

Available Grants

1) Leung Fund

Eligibility: ECE Students, individually or in teams of up to 4 students, at least one being in ECE, may apply for funds up to a maximum of $2,000 for use in accomplishing projects beyond normal classroom activities. These projects may be done as part of a normal class, but should in some way be extraordinary for that class. Projects may also be part of an individual study supervised by a faculty member or may be done within the context of a student organization.

Use of funds: Funds may be used for material costs, services (e.g. machine shop time), and, in special circumstances, travel.

Application materials: Students should submit: 

1. An abstract describing the project in 200-400 words.

2. An itemized budget and accompanying budget justification.

3. A list of deliverables. A final report should always be included in this list.

4. A timeline.

5. An outlook for plans beyond the project and long term impact.

Application process: Materials should be emailed to leungfund@illinois.edu with the subject line "Leung Student Venture Fund." Applications should be received by the end of the fourth week of the semester for full consideration, but will be reviewed on an ad hoc basis after that and funded contingent on remaining budget.

Dispersal of funds: Students should obtain supplies through the ECE Store whenever possible. Otherwise, reimbursements will be handled in the ECE Business Office. Orders and receipts should be consistent with the approved budget and will be reviewed. Major changes in budget should be approved by the review committee. Small adjustments in price or specific component choice do not require additional approval.



Advanced E-Team Grants
Grants range from $1,000 to $20,000 and may be used for further development and plans for commercialization of their ideas. Funding can be used for project expenses, legal fees, or student internships. These grants will be renewable for up to three years in declining amounts.


As the consulting arm of the Illinois MBA program, OSBI finds solutions for companies as big Procter & Gamble or as small as technology startups here at the University of Illinois. OSBI conducts 30-40 projects at one time. Clients include General Electric, Dow AgroSciences, Lucent Technologies, Mayo Medical Ventures, and many technology start-ups and commercialization efforts.

If you have an interest in developing your projects further, please use their Contact page to request further information.

Intellectual Property

In the Intellectual Property world, there are four distinct types of safeguards for your ideas: Patents, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, and Trademarks.

  1. PATENTS: A patent is a license by the government that permits its owner to exclude members of the public from making, using, or selling the claimed invention.

    Important things to remember about patents:
    • To receive a patent, the invention must be useful, novel, and unobvious.
    • Disclosure: When an invention is publicly disclosed, inventors have one year to file a patent. Public disclosure means that the invention was seen in a public setting or similarly accessible to the public.
    • Cost: A patent application process will cost anywhere from $2000 - $10,000, and protection lasts from 14 to 20 years.
    • Laboratory notebooks are VERY important.
    • A provisional patent application (PPA) is a low-cost way of delaying the filing of a full patent application for one year. The filing fee is $75 - $150.
    • Priority goes to the first to invent, not the first to file.
    A presentation by Joe Barich on Patent Engineering and intellectual property is available for your perusal.
    Disclaimer: This presentation does not constitute legal advice. This presentation does not create an attorney-client relationship. This presentation was accurate as of the date it was originally given, but may become inaccurate due to changes in the underlying legal framework.
  2. COPYRIGHTS: A copyright covers only the expression of a work and does not do anything to stop people from approaching clever ideas that happened to be embodied in that work. A Copyright extends to software, meaning no one can copy it. No registration is mandatory, though registration could make for stronger claims later in case of infringement. Competitors could still look at software and come close to it without actually copying it. However, with a patent on the full invention, including the software, competitors are forbidden to design something like it.
  3. TRADE SECRETS: A trade secret is a duty to keep an invention secret, thus protecting it until a patent is issued or an invention is publicly disclosed. It is possible that this protection can be lost if secrets are not protected.
  4. TRADEMARKS: A trademark is either a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods or services of one party from those of others.

Here is the official Illinois Policy Concerning Ownership of Intellectual Property Created by Students as Class Work.

Here is a list of Web Resources maintained by the OTM for the University's Patent Office. For more specific instructions, see the following section.

Invention or Software Copyright Disclosures

Here are instructions for dealing with invention disclosures or software copyright disclosures, should the need arise:

  1. Go to the OTM (Office of Technology Management) Web site: http://www.otm.illinois.edu/
  2. Under the "For Campus" tab, there is the (1) Invention Disclosure Form, (2) Software Disclosure Form, and (3) Mobile App Disclosure Form. Complete and submit -- through the ECE Department -- the applicable Disclosure Form.
  3. The Invention Disclosure Form, under Section 14, contains the following statement:

    I (We) hereby agree to assign all right, title and interest to this invention to the UI and agree to execute all documents as requested, assigning to UI our rights in any patent application filed on this invention and to cooperate with the RTMO in the protection of this invention. UI will share any royalty income derived from the invention with the inventor(s) according to the General Rules, Article III, Section 8.

    Cross out/strike that paragraph -- and write in something like SEE ATTACHED LETTER -- and then add a letter that explains what you want from the University and why, giving as much detail as necessary for the OTM to check out the situation fully (i.e., that is not already covered by answering the questions in the Disclosure Form).
  4. After completing the Form, send it to the ECE Assistant to the Department Head in the Business Office (2120 ECEB). The form will be forwarded to OTM with a cover letter. OTM will then assign the Disclosure to a Tech Manager who will follow up as needed and coordinate a response to the students involved.

Transferring Intellectual Property Rights

Some projects proposed by mentors external or internal to the University, may require that you transfer the rights to intellectual property developed as part of the project they propose. Whether you agree to transfer the rights or decide to undertake a different project is completely up to you, the student.

If you do decide to undertake the proposed project, you will need to sign over your rights using this pre-approved form.

Modularized Electronic Locker

Jack Davis, Joshua Nolan, Jake Pu

Modularized Electronic Locker

Featured Project

Group Member: Jianhao (Jake) Pu [jpu3], Joshua Nolan [jtnolan2], John (Jack) Davis [johnhd4]


Students living off campus without a packaging station are affected by stolen packages all the time. As a result of privacy concerns and inconsistent deployment, public cameras in Champaign and around the world cannot always be relied upon. Therefore, it can be very difficult for victims to gather evidence for a police report. Most of the time, the value of stolen items is small and they are usually compensated by the sellers (Amazon and Apple are very understanding). However, not all deliveries are insured and many people are suffering from stolen food deliveries during the COVID-19 crisis. We need a low-cost solution that can protect deliveries from all vendors.

Solution Overview:

Our solution is similar to Amazon Hub Apartment Locker and Luxer One. Like these services, our product will securely enclose the package until the owners claim the contents inside. The owner of the contents can claim it using a phone number or a unique user identification code generated and managed by a cloud service.

The first difference we want to make from these competitors is cost. According to an article, the cost of a single locker is from $6000 - $20000. We want to minimize such costs so that we can replace the traditional mailbox. We talked to a Chinese manufacturer and got a hardware quote of $3000. We can squeeze this cost if we just design our own control module on ESP32 microcontrollers.

The second difference we want to make is modularity. We will have a sensor module, a control module, a power module and any number of storage units for hardware. We want to make standardized storage units that can be stacked into any configuration, and these storage units can be connected to a control module through a communication bus. The control module houses the hardware to open or close all of the individual lockers. A household can purchase a single locker and a control module just for one family while apartment buildings can stack them into the lockers we see at Amazon Hub. I think the hardware connection will be a challenge but it will be very effective at lowering the cost once we can massively manufacture these unit lockers.

Solution Components:

Storage Unit

Basic units that provide a locker feature. Each storage unit will have a cheap microcontroller to work as a slave on the communication bus and control its electronic lock (12V 36W). It has four connectors on top, bottom, left, and right sides for stackable configuration.

Control Unit

Should have the same dimension as one of the storage units so that it could be stacked with them. Houses ESP32 microcontroller to run control logics on all storage units and uses the built-in WiFi to upload data to a cloud server. If sensor units are detected, it should activate more security features accordingly.

Power Unit

Power from the wall or from a backup battery power supply and the associated controls to deliver power to the system. Able to sustain high current in a short time (36W for each electronic lock). It should also have protection against overvoltage and overcurrent.

Sensor Modules

Sensors such as cameras, motion sensors, and gyroscopes will parlay any scandalous activities to the control unit and will be able to capture a photo to report to authorities. Sensors will also have modularity for increased security capabilities.

Cloud Support

Runs a database that keeps user identification information and the security images. Pushes notification to end-users.

Criterion for Success:

Deliverers (Fedex, Amazon, Uber Eats, etc.) are able to open the locker using a touchscreen and a use- provided code to place their package inside. Once the package is inside of the locker, a message will be sent to the locker owner that their delivery has arrived. Locker owners are able to open the locker using a touchscreen interface. Owners are also able to change the passcode at any time for security reasons. The locker must be difficult to break into and offer theft protection after multiple incorrect password attempts.

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