
If you're reading this, you've obviously already found the ECE445 web site. It is extremely important that you familiarize yourself with the website as soon as possible, since all major semester milestones are organized using PACE. Documents are uploaded to your Project Page for grading, meetings are scheduled, and parts are requested. In addition, we use PACE as our general discussion board for the semester and Canvas to manage grades.

Below is a list of important links you'll use all semester:

Other Useful Links


Signal Processing





Easy Cube Clock

Allan Englehardt, Jason Luzinski, Benjamin Riggins

Featured Project

Today's alarm clock market is full of inexpensive, but hard to use alarm clocks. It is our observation that there is a need for an alarm clock that is easy to set, and turn on and off with little instruction. Imagine an alarm that is set with the intuitive motion of flipping the clock over. When the alarm is on, you can see the alarm time on the top of the clock. To turn off the alarm, you simply flip it over to hide alarm display. Out of sight, out of mind. The front face of the clock will always show the current time, and will flip to the correct orientation.