
Exams will be held during the regular lecture hour. Exams will be closed-book. You will be permitted one sheet of 8.5x11 paper, with handwritten notes on both sides. Calculators and computers are not allowed.

  • Online section: if you’re in the online section, you should plan to be proctored over zoom, during the same time period as the regular exam. If that won’t work, see “confict exams” below.

  • Conflict exams: if you have a time conflict, please make arrangements at least week prior to the regular exam.

Exam 1

Exam 1 was held Friday, October 11, in class. Topics included phasors, spectrum, Fourier series, and sampling.

Relevant problems from previous semesters include:

Exam 2

Exam 2 was held Monday, November 11, in class.

Topics will include LSI systems, convolution, frequency response, and DTFT. Problems from previous semesters that would be fair game for this exam include:

Exam 3

The final exam will be held Wednesday, December 18, 19:00-22:00 in class.

The final exam will be about the length of two midterm exams. Calculators and computers will not be permitted. You may bring two sheets of handwritten notes, front and back. The exam will also have a formula sheet, which will be posted here in advance of the exam. If you are taking the exam online, it will be provided to you by e-mail and on zoom; you’ll need to upload your solutions to Gradescope.

Topics covered will include:

  • 17%: topics from exam 1

  • 17%: topics from exam 2

  • 66%: topics from the last third of the course, including DFT and circular convolution, Z transform and inverse Z transform, IIR filters, causality and stability, notch filters, and second-order filters.

  • Here is the formula page

  • Here is the exam

  • Here are the solutions

Problems from previous semesters that would be fair game for this exam include: