
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
12 Cycling Assist System with Rear Camera Detection
Jacob Betz
Jingdi Liu
Trisha Yadav
Jeff Chang design_document1.pdf
# Cycling Assist System with Rear Camera Detection

Team Members:
- Jacob Betz (jmbetz2)
- Trisha Yadav (tyadav4)
- Jingdi Liu (jingdil2)

# Problem
Many cyclists run into different dangerous situations while biking on the road. For example, a vehicle may be rapidly approaching in their blindspot, which could cause serious injuries. Another possible danger is the bike leaning too far to the left or right. We are hoping to create a detection system to help distracted drivers and riders from potential accidents.

# Solution

Our solution is to create a low power, user friendly system that can assist cyclists in all of the safety areas listed above. The system would monitor and detect approaching objects in the rear using a camera as well as inform the user if they are leaning too far in one direction. Our system will be competitive compared to other assistance systems in the market on cost and functionality aspects.

# Solution Components

List of Components:
- 1080p USB Camera
- MPU6050 6-axis IMU
- Raspberry PI 4 (4GB)
- Arduino Nano
- Custom PCB
- LED Indicator Lights

Component Breakdown:
- Rear Camera: On the rear of the bike, a camera will be used to monitor the rear of the cyclist. The camera feed will be used to show the cyclist a rear view on the dashboard and will be fed into OpenCV with object detection to detect vehicles, other bikes, etc. We will use a small 1080p USB camera and 3D printed enclosure to mount on the back of the bicycle seat.

- Stability IMU: This sensor is a unique idea to monitor the cyclists roll stability on their bike. It would let the driver know if they were leaning too far in one direction. The IMU we have selected is the MPU6050 6-axis. The IMU will be located on the custom dashboard PCB.

- Custom Dashboard: The driver would be notified using our dashboard. This dashboard, mounted near the handle bars, would have a 3.5 inch LCD display showing the cyclist its rear view from the camera feed. It would also include an array of LED indicator lights to warn the cyclist how close a vehicle, other cyclist or bus is to the driver from behind. Lastly, it would include a brightening LED that tells the driver how far it's leaning to the left or right using the IMU feed. The dashboard would include a Raspberry Pi 4 and Arduino Nano. The Raspberry Pi will be used for OpenCV object detection as well as driving the LCD display. The Arduino Nano will be used with the IMU I2C communication and light up the necessary LEDs. Both of these microcontrollers would connect to the custom PCB that holds the sensors, LED lights and attaches the display. The enclosure would be a 3D printed case that mounts to the bicycle handlebars.

- Small Battery: A small battery will be needed to power the system. This battery will be located next to the dashboard, part of the same enclosure as the PCB.

# Criterion For Success
- Priced competitively with other bike sensors in the market

- Device needs to be able to scan for approaching objects or vehicles, and effectively warn the cyclist of the approaching object on the user’s custom dashboard

- Device needs to be able to inform the user that the bike is leaning too far in a certain direction through a brightening LED

- The camera needs to be small enough and secured well to be able to stay attached to the bike, even in rough terrain

- Camera and dashboard should be waterproof in order to ensure that the driver can utilize the device in different weather conditions


Aashish Kapur, Connor Lake, Scott Liu


Featured Project

# People

Scott Liu - sliu125

Connor Lake - crlake2

Aashish Kapur - askapur2

# Problem

Buses are scheduled inefficiently. Traditionally buses are scheduled in 10-30 minute intervals with no regard the the actual load of people at any given stop at a given time. This results in some buses being packed, and others empty.

# Solution Overview

Introducing the _BusPlan_: A network of smart detectors that actively survey the amount of people waiting at a bus stop to determine the ideal amount of buses at any given time and location.

To technically achieve this, the device will use a wifi chip to listen for probe requests from nearby wifi-devices (we assume to be closely correlated with the number of people). It will use a radio chip to mesh network with other nearby devices at other bus stops. For power the device will use a solar cell and Li-Ion battery.

With the existing mesh network, we also are considering hosting wifi at each deployed location. This might include media, advertisements, localized wifi (restricted to bus stops), weather forecasts, and much more.

# Solution Components

## Wifi Chip

- esp8266 to wake periodically and listen for wifi probe requests.

## Radio chip

- NRF24L01 chip to connect to nearby devices and send/receive data.

## Microcontroller

- Microcontroller (Atmel atmega328) to control the RF chip and the wifi chip. It also manages the caching and sending of data. After further research we may not need this microcontroller. We will attempt to use just the ens86606 chip and if we cannot successfully use the SPI interface, we will use the atmega as a middleman.

## Power Subsystem

- Solar panel that will convert solar power to electrical power

- Power regulator chip in charge of taking the power from the solar panel and charging a small battery with it

- Small Li-Ion battery to act as a buffer for shady moments and rainy days

## Software and Server

- Backend api to receive and store data in mongodb or mysql database

- Data visualization frontend

- Machine learning predictions (using LSTM model)

# Criteria for Success

- Successfully collect an accurate measurement of number of people at bus stops

- Use data to determine optimized bus deployment schedules.

- Use data to provide useful visualizations.

# Ethics and Safety

It is important to take into consideration the privacy aspect of users when collecting unique device tokens. We will make sure to follow the existing ethics guidelines established by IEEE and ACM.

There are several potential issues that might arise under very specific conditions: High temperature and harsh environment factors may make the Li-Ion batteries explode. Rainy or moist environments may lead to short-circuiting of the device.

We plan to address all these issues upon our project proposal.

# Competitors

Accuware currently has a device that helps locate wifi devices. However our devices will be tailored for bus stops and the data will be formatted in a the most productive ways from the perspective of bus companies.