
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
32 Independently Controlled Auto-Watering System for Garden Plants
Aditya Adusumalli
Ary Indarapu
Sneh Chandak
Surya Vasanth design_document1.pdf
Team Members:
- Aryan Indarapu (awi2)
- Sneh Chandak (snehc2)
- Aditya Adusumalli (adityaa8)

# Problem
Maintaining an optimal environment for a diverse range of plants can be challenging, especially for gardening enthusiasts who may struggle to monitor and cater to the specific needs of each plant. Different plant species require varying levels of soil moisture, and ensuring that each plant receives the ideal amount of water can be time-consuming and error-prone. Overwatering or underwatering can harm plants, leading to poor growth or even plant death.

# Solution
Our project aims to address this challenge by implementing a smart, automated watering system tailored to the unique needs of different plants or areas of a garden. The system will consist of a central water supply connected to individual plants or plot sections, each managed by its own valve. These valves will regulate water flow based on real-time soil moisture data, ensuring that water is released only when the soil moisture levels drop below a predefined threshold. Each section will be equipped with multiple soil moisture sensors to provide a more accurate reading of the area's overall moisture level. The sensor data will be averaged to determine the exact water requirements for that section. This information will then be transmitted wirelessly using Bluetooth technology to a central PCB, which will manage the specific valve, ensuring precise and efficient water distribution across that area. This solution minimizes water waste and ensures that each plant receives the appropriate amount of moisture, leading to healthier growth and easier garden maintenance.

# Solution Components

## Subsystem #1: Sensor Modules
The sensor modules are simple edge devices that monitor soil moisture levels and communicate that data back to the host system. It will read the soil moisture data and broadcast that data (via the chosen communication protocol) to the irrigation module, while also acting as a "hop" point for other incoming data. Each pot will have 3 modules, each independently broadcasting data. These modules are low-power, i.e. only need 5 V. Thus, we will power the ESP32 with three AA batteries.

Components: ESP32, Soil Moisture sensor

## Subsystem #2: Irrigation System
The system will include a water pump that is connected to a three-way hose splitter. The host splitters will be attached to flow sensors, creating a closed-loop system. The water will flow to a watering can head, which will evenly water the plant. The plant itself will have a moisture sensor subsystem.

Components: Water pump, valves, flow sensors, hose watering can head

## Subsystem #3: Irrigation Module
Our host system will be the core of our project, analyzing sensor data and controlling the irrigation system. Analyzing data: The host system will receive data from the sensor modules in the field using bluetooth protocol. It will aggregate the data by pot and average the moisture level to determine if the plant needs to be watered. If so, it will determine how much water to send.

### Closed-Loop Irrigation System:
Once the central host system determines that a plant or section needs watering, it will open the corresponding valve to allow water to flow. Flow sensors attached to each valve will monitor the amount of water being delivered. This data is sent back to the host system to confirm that the correct amount of water has been supplied. After the desired amount of water has been delivered, the system will close the valve, completing the watering cycle for that section.

Both the valve and the pump will be controlled using H bridges connected to the ESP32 module. The flow sensor data will be read by the ESP32 over I2C protocol.

This feedback loop between the sensors, valves, and the central host ensures that plants receive the optimal amount of water without waste, creating a highly efficient and automated watering process.

Components: ESP32, 2x Half-H Bridge

## Subsystem #4: Power
The power subsystem will differ for the host system and the edge sensor modules. The irrigation module will require 12V power for the valves and the pumps, while the flow sensors and soil moisture sensors only require 3.3V power. As such, the soil moisture sensors on the sensor module will be powered by the accompanying ESP32. The flow sensor will be powered by the ESP32 on the irrigation module. The valves and pump will be powered through the H bridge.

Batteries for both subsystems will be Lithium-Ion.

## Subsystem #5: BLE communication protocol
The sensor modules will use Bluetooth to communicate. Since they may not always be within range of the irrigation module, the data will hop from one Bluetooth module to the next until it reaches the irrigation module. Once the data arrives, the irrigation module will send a "stop" message to prevent further broadcasting of that specific data.

In case BLE doesn’t work, we will instead use ESP- NOW or WiFi. However, the goal is to have this working in areas without WiFi, so BLE or ESP-NOW is preferred.

## Subsystem #6: User Interface
We will have a simple application on Flutter/React which will display current soil moistures for each pot, along with trends over time. It will also mention if any pot is currently being watered.

# Criterion For Success

**Accurate Moisture Detection:** The system must correctly read and transmit soil moisture levels from three different sensors placed in three pots. The soil moisture data must be relayed to the host PCB without errors, and the system should respond to moisture levels falling below a predefined threshold for each plant.

**Precise Water Delivery:** When the soil moisture level in a pot drops below the threshold, the corresponding valve must activate and release water. The water released should be measured using a flow sensor to confirm that the amount dispensed matches the required level based on the soil’s moisture deficit.

**Independent Valve Control:** Each valve must operate independently, ensuring that only the plant requiring water receives it. No unintended watering should occur in adjacent pots or zones when the moisture threshold is met in one area.

**Real-Time System Response:** The system should react to changes in soil moisture levels within a specified time frame (e.g., each pot relays information every 30 mins) to ensure timely water distribution.

**Consistent Performance:** Over multiple tests, the system must consistently provide the correct amount of water across various trials, with no more than a 15% deviation from the calculated requirement as measured by the flow sensor.

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