
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
1 RFA: Any-Screen to Touch-Screen Device
Ganesh Arunachalam
Sakhi Yunalfian
Chi Zhang design_document1.pdf
# Any-Screen to Touch-Screen Device

Team Members:
\- Sakhi Yunalfian (sfy2)
\- Muthu Arunachalam (muthuga2)
\- Zhengjie Fan (zfan11)

# Problem

While touchscreens are becoming increasingly popular, not all screens come equipped with touch capabilities. Upgrading or replacing non-touch displays with touch-enabled ones can be costly and impractical. Users need an affordable and portable solution that can turn any screen into a fully functional touchscreen.

# Solution

The any-screen-to-touch-screen device uses four ultra-wideband sensors attached to the four corners of a screen to detect the position of a specially designed pen or hand wearable. Ultrawideband (UWB) is a positioning technology that is lower-cost than Lidar/Camera yet more accurate than Bluetooth/Wifi/RFID. Since UWB is highly accurate we will use these sensors to track the location of a UWB antenna (placed in the pen). In addition to the UWB tag, the pen will also feature a touch-sensitive tip to detect contact with the screen (along with a redundant button to simulate screen contact if the user prefers to not constantly make contact with the screen). The pen will also have a gyroscope and low profile buttons to track tilt data and offer customizable hotkeys/shortcuts. The pen and sensors communicate wirelessly with the microcontroller which converts the pen’s input data along with its location on the screen into touchscreen-like interactions.

# Solution Components
## Location Sensing Subsystem (Hardware)
This subsystem will employ Spark Microsystems SR1010 digitally programmable ultra-wideband wireless transceiver. The transceiver will be housed in a enclosure that can be attached to the corners of a screen or monitor. Each sensor unit will also need a bluetooth module in order to communicate with the microcontroller.
## Signal Processing Subsystem (Hardware and Software)
A microcontroller, specifically the STM32F4 series microcontroller (STM32F407 or STM32F429). Real-time sensor data processing takes away a considerable amount of computing power. The STM32F4 series contain DSP instructions that allow a smoother way to perform raw data processing and noise reduction. This subsystem will allow us to perform triangulation to accurately estimate the location on the screen, smooth real-time data processing, latency minimization, sensitivity, and noise reduction.
A bluetooth module, in order for the sensor to send its raw data to the microcontroller. We are planning to make the communication between the sensors and the pen to the microcontroller to be wireless. One bluetooth module we are considering is the HC05 bluetooth module.
The microcontroller itself will be wired to the relevant computer system via USB 2.0 for data transfer of touchscreen interactions.
## Pen/Hand Wearable Subsystem (Hardware)
The pen subsystem will employ a simple spring switch as a pen tip to detect pen to screen contact. We will also use a Sparkfun DEV-08776 Lilypad button to simulate a press/pen-to-screen contact for redundancy and if the user wishes to control the pen without contact to the screen. The pen will also contain several low profile buttons and a STMicroelectronics LSM6DSO32TR gyroscope/accelerator sensor to provide further customizable pen functionality and potentially aid in motion tracking calculations. The pen will contain a Taoglas UWC.01 ultra-wideband tag to allow detection by the location sensing subsystem and a bluetooth module to allow communication with the microcontroller. The unit will need to be enclosed within a plastic or 3D printed housing.
## Touch Screen Emulation Subsystem (Software)
A microcontroller with embedded HID device functionalities in order to control mouse cursors of a specific device connected to it. We are planning to utilize the STM32F4 series microcontroller with built in USB HID libraries to help emulating the touch screen effects. We will also include a simple GUI to allow the user to customize the shortcuts mapped to the pen buttons and specify optional parameters like screen resolution, screen curve, etc.
## Power Subsystem (Hardware)
The power subsystem is not localized in one area since our solution consists of multiple wireless devices, however we specify all power requirements and solutions here for organization purposes.
For the wireless sensors in our location sensing subsystem, we plan on using battery power. Given the UWB transceiver has ultra-low power consumption and an internal DC-DC converter, it makes sense to power each sensor unit with a small 3.3V 650mAh rechargeable battery (potential option: []( We will include recharging capability and micro usb recharging port.
For our pen, we plan on using battery power too. The gyroscope module, UWB antenna, and bluetooth module all have low-power consumption so we plan on using the same rechargeable battery system as specified above.
The microcontroller will be wired via USB 2.0 directly to the computer subsystem in order to transmit mouse data/touchscreen interaction and will receive 5V 0.9A power supply through this connection.

# Criterion For Success
## Hardware

The UWB sensor system is able to track the pens location on the screen.
The pen is able to detect clicks, screen contact, and tilt.
The microcontroller is able to take input from the wireless pen and the wireless sensors.
Each battery-powered unit is successfully powered and able to be charged.

## Software

The pen’s input and sensor location data can be converted to mouse clicks and presses.
The pen’s buttons can be mapped to customizable shortcuts/hotkeys.

## Accuracy and Responsiveness

Touch detection and location accuracy is the most crucial criteria for our project’s success. We expect our device to have a 95% touch detection precision. In order to correctly control embedded HID protocols of a device, the data sent and processed by the microcontroller to the device has to have a low error threshold when comparing cursor movements with wearable location.
Touch recognition and responsiveness is the next most important thing. We want our system, by a certain distance threshold, able to detect the device with a relatively low margin of error of about 1% or less. More specifically, this criteria for success is the conclusion to see if our communication network protocol between the sensors, USB HID peripherals, and the microcontroller are able to efficiently transfer data in real-time for the device to interpret these data in a form of cursor location updates, scrolls, clicks, and more.
Latency and lags should have a time interval of less than 60 millisecond. This will be judged based on the DSP pipeline formed in the STM32F4 microcontroller.

## Reliability and Simplicity

We want our device to be easily usable for the users. It should be intuitive and straightforward to start the device and utilize its functionalities.
We want our device to also be durable in the sense of low chances of battery failures, mechanical failures, and systematic degradations.

## Integration and Compatibility

We want our device to be able to be integrated with any type of screens of different architectural measurements and operating systems.

El Durazno Wind Turbine Project

Alexander Hardiek, Saanil Joshi, Ganpath Karl

El Durazno Wind Turbine Project

Featured Project

Partners: Alexander Hardiek (ahardi6), Saanil Joshi (stjoshi2), and Ganpath Karl (gkarl2)

Project Description: We have decided to innovate a low cost wind turbine to help the villagers of El Durazno in Guatemala access water from mountains, based on the pitch of Prof. Ann Witmer.

Problem: There is currently no water distribution system in place for the villagers to gain access to water. They have to travel my foot over larger distances on mountainous terrain to fetch water. For this reason, it would be better if water could be pumped to a containment tank closer to the village and hopefully distributed with the help of a gravity flow system.

There is an electrical grid system present, however, it is too expensive for the villagers to use. Therefore, we need a cheap renewable energy solution to the problem. Solar energy is not possible as the mountain does not receive enough solar energy to power a motor. Wind energy is a good alternative as the wind speeds and high and since it is a mountain, there is no hindrance to the wind flow.

Solution Overview: We are solving the power generation challenge created by a mismatch between the speed of the wind and the necessary rotational speed required to produce power by the turbine’s generator. We have access to several used car parts, allowing us to salvage or modify different induction motors and gears to make the system work.

We have two approaches we are taking. One method is converting the induction motor to a generator by removing the need of an initial battery input and using the magnetic field created by the magnets. The other method is to rewire the stator so the motor can spin at the necessary rpm.

Subsystems: Our system components are split into two categories: Mechanical and Electrical. All mechanical components came from a used Toyota car such as the wheel hub cap, serpentine belt, car body blade, wheel hub, torsion rod. These components help us covert wind energy into mechanical energy and are already built and ready. Meanwhile, the electrical components are available in the car such as the alternator (induction motor) and are designed by us such as the power electronics (AC/DC converters). We will use capacitors, diodes, relays, resistors and integrated circuits on our printed circuit boards to develop the power electronics. Our electrical components convert the mechanical energy in the turbine into electrical energy available to the residents.

Criterion for success: Our project will be successful when we can successfully convert the available wind energy from our meteorological data into electricity at a low cost from reusable parts available to the residents of El Durazno. In the future, their residents will prototype several versions of our turbine to pump water from the mountains.