
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
60 Automatic Ice Fishing Rod
Andrew Osepek
James Niewiarowski
Luke Boelke
Zicheng Ma design_document1.pdf
Team Members:
- James Niewiarowski (jcn3)
- Andrew Osepek (aosepek2)
- Luke Boelke (lboelke2)

# Problem

Ice fishing can be a very tedious and labor-intensive process. While it is being performed, the fisherman must dedicate all of their attention to the task at hand, constantly jigging the rod, making multitasking impossible. It must be done in a very cold environment as well, which gets uncomfortable after long periods of time. Additionally, there can be long stretches with little to no bites. If the fisherman did not have to constantly attend to the rod, these stretches of no activity would be perfect for taking a break to warm up, eat a meal, etc., but the nature of ice fishing makes this impossible.

# Solution

We plan to create an automated ice fishing rod that eases the challenges associated with ice fishing. The user will have the ability to spool any lb-test line onto the device as with any lure when fishing. The fisherman can set the depth at which his lure hangs below the ice. The fishing rod will have the ability to jig the attached lure in hopes of attracting fish. When a tug occurs at the line, the user will be alerted through an alarm and notification. A mobile app will allow the user to set preferences to the depth of the line and jigging.

# Solution Components

## Fishing Rod

The fishing rod component will consist of an ice fishing rod (short rod length) attached to a tripod stand, holding the rod upright and dangling the line above the water. The fishing reel will have a hand crank on one side that will allow the fisherman to reel in the fish on their own, and on the other side, a clamp, which is easy to remove/attach, will connect the spool to a DC motor to allow for automatic reeling.

## Microcontroller

An STM32 microcontroller will do the processing on the device itself. The microcontroller will have the ability to turn the fishing spool in both directions allowing the lure to be reeled-out or reeled-in through a DC motor. Bending strain gauges will be placed at the tip and middle of the fishing rod to measure the degree at which the rod bends, thus determining if a fish is on the line. A push-pull actuator placed at the bottom of the fishing rod will simulate a fisherman jigging their rod by moving the tip of the fishing rod up and down. If the stress at the tip of the rod exceeds normal, the jigging functionality will halt and notify the fisherman. The microcontroller has wireless communication capabilities. From the user application, the fisherman will be able to adjust the settings of the fishing device above from a remote application.

Equipment: STM32 microcontroller, Hemobllo Strain Gauge Bending Test Sensor, Electric 12V - 2" Actuator, 12V DC motor

## Power subsystem

We will have batteries connected together in series to have adequate charge. There will also be a circuit for the power supply that regulates the power output from the batteries. There will also be a switch on the system to shut off the power supply to prevent the batteries from draining too fast. We will also need a power distribution system that will supply different amounts of electricity to the sensors, motors, and control board. The power subsystem will be designed to maximize efficiency of electricity used and try to reduce energy loss.

## User Application

The user application will allow the user to modify the settings of the fishing device (e.g., depth of the lure, whether to automatically reel in) while also allowing the user to insert/remove catch information from their account. For example, when they make a catch, they can type in the time caught, location, depth of lure, type of fish, etc. into the app, where it will then be uploaded to a GCP database. This information can then be viewed within the app for future reference.

## GCP Database

A SQL relational database that records each user’s catches. Two tables would exist in the database that contain user information and their related catch information. Attributes of the catch table would include time caught, location, depth of lure, type of fish, length of fish, weight of fish, and other information. GCP provides new users with a $300 credit which is more than enough for us to use their service.

## Testing
We believe we can demonstrate the functionality of this device in a staircase, a balcony, or another elevated surface, avoiding the need to go on a frozen lake.

# Criterion For Success

Rod automatically jigs back and forth in a controlled manner when the user is absent
Rod is able to reel in and reel out automatically.
- User will be able to adjust fishing rod’s setting in application
- User is able to store the information of their catch in the application and view previous catches
- Application gets a notification when sensors detect rod bending
- Jigging halts when sensors detect rod bending

Control System and User Interface for Hydraulic Bike

Iain Brearton

Featured Project

Parker-Hannifin, a fluid power systems company, hosts an annual competition for the design of a chainless bicycle. A MechSE senior design team of mechanical engineers have created a hydraulic circuit with electromechanical valves, but need a control system, user interface, and electrical power for their system. The user would be able to choose between several operating modes (fluid paths), listed at the end.

My solution to this problem is a custom-designed control system and user interface. Based on sensor feedback and user inputs, the system would change operating modes (fluid paths). Additionally, the system could be improved to suggest the best operating mode by implementing a PI or PID controller. The system would not change modes without user interaction due to safety - previous years' bicycles have gone faster than 20mph.

Previous approaches to this problem have usually not included an electrical engineer. As a result, several teams have historically used commercially-available systems such as Parker's IQAN system (link below) or discrete logic due to a lack of technical knowledge (link below). Apart from these two examples, very little public documentation exists on the electrical control systems used by previous competitors, but I believe that designing a control system and user interface from scratch will be a unique and new approach to controlling the hydraulic system.

I am aiming for a 1-person team as there are 6 MechSE counterparts. I emailed Professor Carney on 10/3/14 and he thought the general concept was acceptable.

Operating modes, simplified:

Direct drive (rider's pedaling power goes directly to hydraulic motor)

Coasting (no power input, motor input and output "shorted")

Charge accumulators (store energy in expanding rubber balloons)

Discharge accumulators (use stored energy to supply power to motor)

Regenerative braking (use motor energy to charge accumulators)

Download Competition Specs:

Team using IQAN system (top right corner):

Team using discrete logic (page 19):