
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
34 Boeing's Projectors Project
Lei Jin
Nan Wang
Wei Keong Eiew
Timing Method Solution:
In order to improve the display speed of the animation. We propose to use more than one projectors, with each displaying different frames. For example, if we have five projectors(1,2,3,4,5), projector 1 will display the 1st frame meanwhile the second one is preparing to display the next one, and subsequently the third one will get ready for the third frame. Repeat this process for each projector. In this case, each projector is responsible for displaying only 1/5 of the original frames. As a result, the speed will be improved by 5 times(theoretically).

The work we are going to do is to install the projectors on the given wing box and allocate frames for each one.

Prosthetic Control Board

Caleb Albers, Daniel Lee

Prosthetic Control Board

Featured Project

Psyonic is a local start-up that has been working on a prosthetic arm with an impressive set of features as well as being affordable. The current iteration of the main hand board is functional, but has limitations in computational power as well as scalability. In lieu of this, Psyonic wishes to switch to a production-ready chip that is an improvement on the current micro controller by utilizing a more modern architecture. During this change a few new features would be added that would improve safety, allow for easier debugging, and fix some issues present in the current implementation. The board is also slated to communicate with several other boards found in the hand. Additionally we are looking at the possibility of improving the longevity of the product with methods such as conformal coating and potting.

Core Functionality:

Replace microcontroller, change connectors, and code software to send control signals to the motor drivers

Tier 1 functions:

Add additional communication interfaces (I2C), and add temperature sensor.

Tier 2 functions:

Setup framework for communication between other boards, and improve board longevity.

Overview of proposed changes by affected area:

Microcontroller/Architecture Change:

Teensy -> Production-ready chip (most likely ARM based, i.e. STM32 family of processors)


support new microcontroller, adding additional communication interfaces (I2C), change to more robust connector. (will need to design pcb for both main control as well as finger sensors)


Addition of a temperature sensor to provide temperature feedback to the microcontroller.


change from Arduino IDE to new toolchain. (ARM has various base libraries such as mbed and can be configured for use with eclipse to act as IDE) Lay out framework to allow communication from other boards found in other parts of the arm.