
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
3 Swim Pacer Unit
George Garcia
Mark Alikpala
Miao Lu
Alexander Suchko design_document0.pdf
We are doing a swim pacer unit for Coach Howard. The project will involve a visual indicator for swimmers through sequential lights. A controller with a digital interface will be designed to adjust the speed of the lights as it moves along the length of the pool (25 yards).

Swimmers can follow these lights to help them swim at speeds that are set at predetermined settings or that are varied-by-the-coach-on-deck while the athlete is swimming. The mechanism can be operated on deck by the coach which would give swimmers a pace to follow for each length. The pace can be set from the deck and can be varied to the pace as the swimmer begins each length. The pace range is from 8 to 30 seconds in 0.5 second intervals.

The controller interface will include pace profiles preprogramed into the control device.

Environmental Sensing for Firefighters

Andri Teneqexhi, Lauren White, Hyun Yi

Environmental Sensing for Firefighters

Featured Project

Hyun Yi, Lauren White, and Andri Teneqexhi earned the Instructor's Award in the Fall of 2013 for their work on the Environmental Sensing for Firefighters.

"Engineering is all about solving real life problems and using the solutions to improve the lives of others. ECE 445 allows you to actually delve deeper into what this really means by providing students the chance to undergo the engineering design process. This requires taking all of the theoretical knowledge, lab experiences, and ultimately, everything that you have ever learned in life, and applying it to your project. Though, there is structure to the course and deadlines in place to measure your team's progress, the actual design, implementation, and success of your project is all determined by you. Unlike any other course that I have taken, I've gained an appreciation for the utilization and benefits of external resources, unforeseen scheduling delays, delegating tasks, and most importantly, teamwork. I consider ECE 445 to be a crash course into real life engineering and a guide to become a successful engineer." -- Lauren White