Date |
Presenters, Slides,
Reviews |
Topic |
Main Papers |
More Papers (optional)
Must-see Papers if your Project overlaps with the
area. |
1/15 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
Introduction |
See topic "Epidemics" below |
1/17 |
Before, There Were Clouds |
Historical reflections: The rise, fall, and resurrection of software as
a service, M. Campbell-Kelly, CACM, May 2009.
- Above the clouds
(see the latest version of the paper on the site), M. Armbrust et al,
Berkeley RADLAB, 2009.
Open Cirrus™ Cloud Computing Testbed: Federated Data Centers for Open
Source Systems and Services Research, R. Campbell, I. Gupta, et al,
HotCloud 2009 [HotCloud
Recommend that you join Googlegroups
on Cloud Computing |
Datatecture: Data Center Overload, Tom Vanderbilt, New York Times
Magazine, June 2009
- Amazon EC2 and
- Google AppEngine
- Others: IBM Blue Cloud, SUN, others (Joyent, Flexiscale, GoGrid)
- see the GoogleGroups
Cost of a Cloud: Research Problems in Data Center
Networks, A. Greenberg et al, ACM SIGCOMM CCR,
A BluePrint for Introducing Disruptive Technology into the Internet,
L. Peterson et al
Economic Perspectives on the History of the Computer Timesharing
Industry, M. Campbell-Kelly and D. Garcia-Swartz
- PlanetLab website
- Emulab Website
- ModelNet website
- OpenCirrus
1/22 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
Cloud Computing Continued |
1/24 |
P2P Systems |
1/24 |
Last day to sign up for a
presentation slot (2/7/13 through 4/4/13 only).
Two presenters per slot only.
Instructions for Presentations and Reviews |
1/29 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
P2P Systems (contd.) |
1/31 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
Basic Distributed Algorithms Fundamentals and Sensor
Networks |
2/5 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
Key-value Stores and NoSQL |
Others: MongoDB |
2/7 |
Babak Behzad && Faraz Faghri [slides-pdf] |
Programming in the Cloud |
Student Presentations and Reviews
Start - See Instructions
DryadLINQ: A System for General-Purpose Distributed Data-Parallel
Computing Using a High-Level Language, Yuan Yu et al, OSDI 2008
Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and
Notifications, D. Peng et al, OSDI 2010
Map-reduce-merge: simplified relational data processing on large
clusters, H.-C. Yang et al, SIGMOD 2007
MapReduce Online, T. Condie et al, NSDI 2010
Wave Computing in the Cloud, B. He et al, HotOS 2009
Hadoop Streaming
Data challenges
at Yahoo!, R. Baeza-Yates and Ramakrishnan, EDBT 08
Zookeeper: wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems, P.
Hunt et al (Yahoo!), Usenix 2010
2/12 |
Furquan Shaikh && Fangzhou Yao [Paxos
slides-Indy] [paper slides-pdf] |
Everyone uses Paxos |
Please don't review the first paper
(Review these) - Student Presenters will present these
- Using Paxos
to build a scalable, consistent, and highly available datastore,
J. Rao, E. Shekita, S. Tata, VLDB 2011
Chubby lock
service, M. Burrows, OSDI 2006 (Google)
Paxos replicated state machines as the basis of a high-performance
data store, W. Bolosky et al, NSDI 2011
2/14 |
Karan Parikh && Onur Karaman
[slides-pdf] |
Store it in the Cloud |
Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database, J. C. Corbett, J.
Dean, et al, OSDI 2012
Flat Datacenter Storage, E. B. Nightingale, J. Elson, J. Fan. O.
Hofmann, J.Howell, Y. Suzue, OSDI 2012
Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data,
Fay Chang, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Wilson C. Hsieh,
Deborah A. Wallach, Mike Burrows, Tushar Chandra, Andrew Fikes, and
Robert E. Gruber, OSDI 2006 (Google)
Finding a Needle in Haystack: Facebook's Photo Storage, D. Beaver et
al, OSDI 2010 [Link
1] [Link
- A
Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), D. Patterson
et al, SIGMOD 1988
- Ch. 1 from "The Innovator's Dilemma", C. M. Christensen (handout
given in class)
- HydraFS: A High-Throughput File System for the HYDRAstor
Content-Addressable Storage System,
C. Ungureanu et al, FAST 2010
Block-level RAID Is Dead, R. Appuswamy et al, HotStorage 2010
Mean Time to Meaningless: MTTDL, Markov Models, and Storage System
Reliability, K. M. Greenan, HotStorage 2010
- The Google File
System, S. Ghemawat et al, SOSP 2003.
Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive
Services, J. Baker et al, CIRD 2010
Cassandra - a
decentralized structured storage system, A. Lakshman and P. Malik (Facebook)
PNUTS: Yahoo!’s
Hosted Data Serving Platform, Brian F. Cooper et al, VLDB 08
- Hypertable (Yahoo!)
2/17 |
Project Survey Report due,
11.59 pm [12pt font, single-sided, 3 + 1 pages max] (In groups of 2-3)
Instructions for Survey and its Submission |
2/19 |
Junjie Hu && Xueman Mou [slides-pdf] |
Other looks at MapReduce |
Themis: an I/O efficient MapReduce, A. Rasmussen et al, Socc 2012
- Social
Content Matching in MapReduce, G. Morales, A. Gionis, M. Sozio, VLDB
Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments, M.
Zaharia et al, OSDI 2008
Reining in the Outliers in Map-Reduce Clusters using Mantri, G.
Ananthanarayanan, OSDI 2010
2/21 |
Chien-Nan Chen && Abhishek Sreenath
[slides-pdf] |
A Touch of Sensor Nets |
2/26 |
Cuong Pham && Biplab Deka [slides-pdf] |
The CAP never fits - Consistency in the Cloud |
Perspectives on the CAP theorem, S. Gilbert, N Lynch, Feb 2012
Don't settle for eventual: scalable causal consistency for wide-area
storage with COPS, W. Lloyd, M. Freedman, M. Kaminsky, SOSP 2011
Making geo-replicated systems fast as possible, consistency when
necessary, C. Li et al, OSDI 2012
Stronger semantics for low-latency geo-replicated storage, W. Llyod
et al, NSDI 2013
Transactional storage for geo-replicated systems, Y. Sovran, R.
Power, M. K. Aguilera, J. Li, SOSP 2011
Scalable consistency in Scatter, L. Glendenning, I. Beschastnikh, A.
Krishnamurthy, T. Anderson, SOSP 2011
Towards robust distributed systems, Eric A. Brewer, Keynote, ACM
PODC 2000
Brewer's conjecture and
the feasibility of consistent, available, partition-tolerant web
services, S Gilbert and N. Lynch, ACM SIGACT News, June 2002
Cumulus: Filesystem Backup to the Cloud, M. Vrable et al,
FAST 2009
SPORC: Group Collaboration using Untrusted Cloud Resources, A. J.
Feldman et al, OSDI 2010
2/28 |
Hilfi Alkaff && Lionel Li [slides-pdf] |
Management Science |
Don't lose sleep over availability: the GreenUp decentralized wakup
service, S. Sen, J. Lorch, et al, NSDI 2012
Albatross: lightweight elasticity in shared storage databases for the
cloud using live migration, S. Das, et al, VLDB 2010
Centrifuge: Integrated Lease Management and Partitioning for Cloud
Services, A. Adya et al, NSDI 2010
ACMS: The Akamai Configuration Management System
Sherman et al, NSDI 2005.
3/5 |
Viencent Bindschadler && Ala Alkhaldi
[slides-pdf] |
There's an App for That |
3/7 |
Haiming Jin && Zhenhuan Gao [slides-pdf] |
P2P App for That |
UsenetDHT: A
Low-Overhead Design for Usenet
Emil Sit et al, NSDI 2008
Colyseus: A distributed architecture for interactive multiplayer games,
A.R. Bharambe, Usenix NSDI 2006.
support for massively multiplayer games, B. Knutsson et al, Infocom
- Operating system support
for planetary-scale network services, A. Bavier et al, NSDI
- Wide-area
cooperative storage with CFS, F. Dabek et al, SOSP 2001
Ivy: a read/write
peer-to-peer file system, A. Muthitacharoen et al, OSDI 2002
Scalability of
reliable group communication using overlays, F. Baccelli et al,
Infocom 2004.
An Architecture for Global-Scale Persistent Storage , J.
Kubiatowicz, ASPLOS 2000
an architecture for secure resource peering, Y. Fu et al, SOSP
a decentralized, peer-to-peer web cache, S. Iyer et al, PODC 2002.
- OverCite,
J. Stribling et al, Usenix NSDI 2006
3/12 |
Hongyang Li && Mo Dong [slides-pdf] |
Process it In-network |
TAG: A Tiny Aggregation service for ad-hoc sensor networks, S.
Madden, et al, OSDI 2002
Camdoop: exploiting in-network aggregation for big-data applications,
P. Costa, A. Donnelly, A. Rowstron, G. O'Shea, NSDI 2012
Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks, S.
Nath et al, ACM TOSN, 2008.
Sailfish: a framework for large scale data processing, S. Rao et al,
SOCC 2012
cloud intermediate data fault-tolerant, S. Ko et al, SOCC 2010
Trickle: a
self-regulating algorithm for code propagation and maintenance in
wireless sensor networks, P. Levis et al, NSDI 2004.
framework for time indexing in sensor networks, He et al, ACM TOSN
Multi-resolution state retrieval in sensor networks, B. Deb et al,
SNPA 2003
Robust location
detection in emergency sensor networks, S. Ray et al,
Infocom 2003
DIFS: A distributed
index for features in sensor networks, B. Greenstein et al, SNPA
edge detection in sensor fields, K.K.Chintalapudi et al, SNPA 2003
Optimal energy
balanced algorithm for selection in single hop sensor network, M.
Singh et al,
SNPA 2003
deployment and target localization based on virtual forces, Y. Zou
et al, Infocom 2003
Localized algorithms in wireless ad-hoc networks: location discovery and
sensor exposure, S. Meguerdichian et al, Mobihoc 2001
Computing, H. Abelson et al, CACM 2000.
Probabilistic counting for database systems, Flajolet and Martin,
JCSS, 1985
3/14 |
Mainak Ghosh && Mayur Sadavarte
[slides-pdf] |
Spreading the Rumor |
Randomized Rumor Spreading, Karp and Shenker, FOCS 2000
as information processing, S. Forrest et al, 2000.
Adaptive and Efficient Epidemic-style Protocols for Reliable and
Scalable Multicast, Gupta et al, IEEE TPDS, 2006.
Gossip-based ad hoc
routing, Z. Haas et al, Infocom 2002
Spatial gossip
and resource location protocols, Kempe, Kleinberg and Demers, STOC
3/19 |
Spring Vacation - No Class.
3/21 |
Spring Vacation - No Class.
3/26 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
How does it Behave? |
modeling, and analysis of a peer-to-peer file-sharing
workload Krishna P. Gummadi et al, SOSP 2003
availability, R. Bhagwan et al, IPTPS 2003
and Modeling of a Large-scale Overlay for Multimedia Streaming, L.
Vu, I. Gupta, J. Liang, K. Nahrstedt, QShine 2007
An Evaluation of Amazon's Grid Computing Services: EC2, S3 and SQS,
Simson Garfinkel, Harvard TechRep., 2007
What do Real-Life Hadoop Workloads Look Like,
Cloudera Blog |
3/28 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
Low Fees Required - Probabilistic Membership |
Peer-to-peer membership management for gossip-based protocols, A.J.
Ganesh et al, IEEE TOC, Feb 2003.
Group address Resolution Service, A. Tal et al, 1997
random subsets to build scalable network services, D. Kostic
et al, USITS 2003
T-Man: Fast Gossip-based Construction of Large-Scale Overlay Topologies, M. Jelasity et al, U. Bologna Tech
CYCLON: Inexpensive Membership Management for Unstructured P2P Overlays, S. Voulgaris
et al, Journal Network Systems and Management, June 2005
3/31 |
Project Midterm Report due, 11.59 pm [12pt font,
single-sided, 8 + 1 pages max] (In groups
of 2-3)
Instructions for Midterm and its
Submission |
4/2 |
Ting Xie [slides-pdf] |
How Much is That? |
How to price shared optimizations in the cloud, P. Upadhyay, M.
Balazinska, D. Suciu, VLDB 2012
Profiling, What-if Analysis, and Cost-based Optimization of
MapReduce Programs, H. Herodotu, S. Baby, VLDB 2011
More for your money: exploiting performance heterogeneity in public
clouds, B. Farley et al, Socc 2012
Distributed Systems meets Economics: pricing in the cloud, H. Wang
et al, HotCloud 2010
Optimizing Cost and Performance in Online Service Provider Networks,
Z. Zhang et al, NSDI 2010
costs of spot instances via checkpointing in the Amazon Elastic Compute
Cloud, S. Yi et al,”
Conf. on
Computing, 2010
Market-oriented Grids and Utility Computing: The State-of-the-art and
Future Directions, J. Broberg et al, Journ. Grid Computing, 2007
4/4 |
No class (Midterm
reviews). |
4/7 |
Midterm Reviews due, 11.59 PM
Midterm Review Form |
4/9 |
[slides-ppt] |
Datacenter Disasters - Case Studies |
(If you reviewed any of the papers below, then you can submit them.
We will not cover these papers during this session. We might be
able to discuss these papers later in the semester.)
4/11 |
Anirudh Ravula && Tanvir Al Amin
[slides-pdf] |
Fast on SLOs |
4/16 |
Faraz Faghri && Ala Alkhadi [slides-pdf] |
So Much Data! |
Projecting disk usage based on historical trends in a cloud environment,
M. Stokely et al, SCC 2012 (Google).
Design implications for enterprise storage systems via multi-dimensional
trace analysis, Y. Chen et al, SOSP 2011
Structured comparative analysis of systems logs to diagnose performance
problems, K. Nagaraj, C. Killian, J. Neville, NSDI 2012
The unified logging infrastructure for data analystics at Twitter,
G. Lee, et al, VLDB 2012
Modeling and synthesizing task placement constraints in Google compute
clusters, B. Sharma et al, Socc 2011.
4/18 |
Mainak Ghosh && Hilfi Alkaff
[slides-pdf] |
In-memory clusters |
Fast crash recovery in RAMCloud, D. Ongaro et al, SOSP 2011
PACMan: Coordinated memory caching for parallel jobs, G.
Ananthanarayanan, A. Ghodsi, A. Wang, et al, NSDI 2012
Resilient Distributed Datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for
in-memory cluster computing, M. Zaharia, M. Chowdhury, et al, NSDI
4/23 |
Vinay Nagar [slides-pdf]
Imranul Hoque [slides-ppt] |
Potpourri |
CrowdDB: query processing with the VLDB crowd, A. Feng et al, VLDB
Fate and Destini: a framework for cloud recovery testing, H. Gunawi
et al, NSDI 2011
Model checking a networked system without the network, R. Guerraoui,
M. Yabandeh, NSDI 2011
SILT: a memory-efficient, high performance key-value store, H. Lim,
B. Fan. D. Andersen, M. Kaminsky, SOSP 2011
Distributed GraphLab: a framework for machine-learning and datamining in
the cloud, Y. Low et al, VLDB 2012
Densest subgraph in streaming and MapReduce, B. Bahmani, R. Kumar,
S. Vassilvitskii, VLDB 2012
PrIter: a distributed framework for prioritized iterative computations,
Y. Zhang et al, Socc 2011
4/25 |
Indy [slides-ppt]
How do Networks Look? |
4/30 |
Indy [slides-ppt] |
Completing the Circle |
(No reviews required for the
following papers. Paper copies for offline papers were handed out
during previous lecture.)
R. Hoffmann, "Why buy that theory?", 2003
R. P. Feynman, "Metaplast Corp."
5/5 (Sunday) |
Project Final Report due, 11.59 pm [12pt font,
single-sided, 12 + 1 pages max] (In groups of 2-3)
(Deadline is Hard and final, no
Instructions for Final Report and its
Submission |
The following sessions are a
rich source of ideas and directions for your projects - mine them! We could
not include them in the course schedule due to the limited time. |
Leftover |
(You can't sign up yet for this
Securitae! |
Leftover |
In Byzantium |
UpRight Cluster Services, A. Clement et al, SOSP 2009
- Zyzzyva:
Speculative Byzantine Fault Tolerance (Awarded a best paper award.)
Ramakrishna Kotla et al, SOSP 2007
- Practical
Byzantine Fault-Tolerance, Castro et al, OSDI 1999.
peer replicas by rate-limited sampled voting, P. Maniatis et al,
SOSP 2003
BAR Fault Tolerance for Cooperative Services. A. Aiyer
et al, SOSP 2005.
BAR Gossip. Harry Li et al Usenix OSDI 2006
Scaling Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication to Wide Area Networks.
Yair Amir et al, IEEE DSN 2006
BFT Protocols under Fire, Atul Singh et al, NSDI 2008
Leftover |
Geo-Distribution |
Leftover |
Old Wine: Stale or Vintage? |
P2P or Not 2 P2P, M. Roussopoulos et al, IPTPS 2004.
again, J. Ledlie et al, IPTPS 2003.
A Note
on Distributed Computing, A. Wollrath et al, MSR Techreport, 1994
Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard
Stallman, Guardian (UK), Sep 29, 2008
(paper deleted - see their updated version in their SIGMOD 2009 paper)
MapReduce - a major step backwards, D. DeWitt and M. Stonebraker
Leftover |
Publish-Subscribe/CDNs |
Gryphon Home
An efficient multicast protocol for content-based
publish-subscribe systems, G. Banavar et al, ICDCS 1999
- A reliable
multicast framework for light-weight sessions and application level
framing, S. Floyd et al, 1997
- SCRIBE: the
design of a large-scale event notification infrastructure, A.
Rowstron et al, NGC 2001.
A shared
control plane for overlay multicast, A. Nandi et al, NSDI 2007
FeedTree: Sharing Web micronews with peer-to-peer event notification,
Sandler et al, IPTPS 2005.
Efficient Probabilistic Subsumption Checking
for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems. A.
Ouksel et al, Middleware 2006
Matching events in a content-based subscription system. M. K.
Aguilera et al., PODC, 1999
Amazon's CloudFront service
Leftover |
Distributed Monitoring and Management |
A large-scale monitoring system, J. Boulon et al, CCA 2008
- PlanetLab website
- Emulab Website
- WAIL website
- Chukwa system (Hadoop
Distributed system management: PlanetLab incidents and management tools,
R. Adams, PlanetLab Techreport
management using Plush, J. Albrecht et al, ACM SIGOPS OSR, Jan 2006
A Scalable Distributed Information Management System. Praveen
Yalagandula and Mike Dahlin. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, August,
imprecision: a new consistency metric for scalable monitoring, N.
Jain, OSDI 2008
- Field studies of computer system administrators: analysis of system
management tools and practices, Barrett et al, IBM Almaden
Reducing the cost of IT operations: is automation always the answer?
Brown and Hellerstein, IBM TJ Watson
Leftover |
Green Clouds |
Leftover |
Distributed Debugging |
Leftover |
Flash! |
Leftover |
The Middle or the End? |
(review any one of the
following 3 papers)
the design of the Internet: the end-to-end arguments vs. the brave new
world, Blumenthal and Clark, ACM Trans. Internet Technology, 2001
no longer considered harmful, M. Walfish et al, OSDI 2004.
- Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network Architecture,
Al-Fares et al, SIGCOMM 2008
Internet-Scale Service Efficiency, J. H. Hamilton, LADIS 2008
Stable and Accurate Network Coordinates, Jonathan Ledlie, Peter
Pietzuch, and Margo Seltzer, ICDCS 2006
transport layer support for peer to peer networks, H-Y. Hsieh et al,
IPTPS 2004.
comparison of overlay routing and multihoming route control, A.
Akella et al, SIGCOMM 2004.
Routing: The Internet as a Distributed System, John P. John et al,
OSDI 2008
- Overview of
CAIDA Tools (give overview, and discuss at least five
tools from different categories)
Leftover |
Availability-Aware Systems |
(read the papers, but no reviews required for this
Leftover |
Design Methodologies, Handling Stress |
(No class today, but if you submitted a review on
time, you can skip one of the remaining review sessions)
Comparing the performance of DHTs under churn, J. Li et al, IPTPS
Routing design in operational networks: a look from the inside, D.
A. Maltz et al, SIGCOMM 2004
- (short paper) Tools for the code
generation, J. Ambrosio 2003.
- A
protocol family approach to survivable storage infrastructures, J.
Wylie et al, Fudico 2004.
- Randomized ID
selection for peer-to-peer networks, G. S. Manku, PODC 2004
Peer-to-Peer Approach to Resource Location in Grid Environments, A.
Iamnitchi et al, 2003.
OSPF monitoring: architecture, design and deployment experience, A
Shaikh et al, NSDI 2004
Metarouting, Griffin et al, SIGCOMM 2005.
Automatic Discovery of Mutual Exclusion Algorithms, Bar David et al,
PODC 2003.
Leftover |
Sources of unreliability in networks |
the use of a campus wireless network, D. Schwab et al, Infocom 2004.
Origins of Internet Routing Instability, C. Labovitz et al, INFOCOM
Firefly-inspired Heartbeat Synchronization in Overlay Networks, O.
Babaoglu, SASO 2007
Gossip-Based Clock Synchronization for Large Decentralized Systems,
K. Iwanicki et al, SelfMan 2006: 28-42
On the scalability of cooperative time synchronization in
pulse-connected networks, Hu and Servetto, IEEE TON 2006.
Internet routing instabilities, A. Feldmann et al, SIGCOMM 2004.
longitudinal survey of Internet host reliability, D. Long et al,
SRDS 1995
Internet packet dynamics, V. Paxson, SIGCOMM 1997
and modeling of the temporal dependence in packet loss, M. Yajnik et
al, Infocom 1999
flap damping exacerbates Internet routing convergence , Z. M. Mao et
al, SIGCOMM 2002
oscillations in I-BGP with route reflection, A. Basu et al,
issues in OSPF routing, A. Basu et al, SIGCOMM 20 01
the effect of traffic self-similarity on network performance, K.
Park et al, WSC 1997
and analysis of the error characteristics of an in building wireless
network SIGCOMM 1996
Modeling the
performance of wireless sensor networks, C-F. Chiasserini et al,
Infocom 2004.
synchronization of periodic routing messages, S. Floyd et al,
Characterizing User Behavior and Network Performance in a Public
Wireless LAN, Anand Balachandran et al, ACM SIGMETRICS 2002 |
Leftover |
A Step Back |
Leftover |
Distributed Management (2) |
Leftover |
Handling Stress |
Leftover |
Selfish algorithms |
Leftover |
Security |
Leftover |
Economic Theory |
Leftover |
The future of sensor nets? |
Leftover |
P2P - Etc. |
Leftover |
The End-to-End Approach |
Leftover |
Automatic Computing and Inference |
Leftover |
Modular Systems |
Leftover |
Practical theory perspectives |
Leftover |
Topology and Naming |
Leftover |
Classical Algorithms |
- Exploiting
network proximity in peer-to-peer overlay networks, M. Castro et al,
MSR TechReport 2002
Geometric ad-hoc
routing: of theory and practice, F. Kuhn et al, PODC 2003
On the curvature
of the Internet and its usage for overlay construction and distance
estimation, Y. Shavitt et al, Infocom 2004.
- A practical
distributed mutual exclusion protocol in dynamic peer-to-peer
systems, S-D. Lin et al, IPTPS 2004.
- Scalable
and dynamic quorum systems, Naor and Wieder, PODC 2003
Leftover |
Caching |
churn-resistant peer-to-peer web caching system, P. Linga et al,
Wshop on Survivable & Self-Regenerative Systems 2003.
The case for
cooperative networking, V. N. Padmanabhan et al, IPTPS 2002.
caches for packet classification, F. Chang et al, Infocom 2004.
strength of locality of reference - popularity, majorization and some
folk theorems, S. Vanichpun, Infocom 2004.
Surviving Organized DDoS Attacks That Mimic Flash Crowds, Srikanth
Kandula et al, NSDI 2005. |