Meeting time: Mondays and Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:15 pm
Meeting location: 1105 Siebel Center
Instructor: Brighten Godfrey
Office hours: Wednesdays 9:00 am - 10:00 am in 3211 SC and by appointment
TA: Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi
Office hours: Thursdays 2:30 - 3:30 pm in 3211 SC
Course materials
- Syllabus: Start here for an overview of the course
- Piazza discussion board
- Project ideas
- Experimental resources
- Publication venues
- Special topics
Date | Topic | Readings, Assignments, and Notes |
Wed Jan 17 | Course overview and Internet history |
No reviews due. As we may think (V. Bush, Atlantic Monthly, July 1945) |
Mon Jan 22 | Where to look for project ideas Project interest micro-presentations No reviews due. |
Basic architectural concepts | ||
Wed Jan 24 | IP architecture |
Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn. A protocol for packet network intercommunication. IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 22 No. 5, May 1974. David Clark, The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols. Proc. SIGCOMM 1988. Assignment 1 released (pdf) |
Mon Jan 29 | Architectural principles | J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed and D.D. Clark. End-to-End Arguments in System Design. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov 1984, pp. 277-288 |
Wed Jan 31 | Congestion control | Congestion Avoidance and Control (Jacobson, SIGCOMM 1988) Note: You need not read the appendices of this paper. Dah-Ming Chiu and Raj Jain. Analysis of the Increase and Decrease Algorithms for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 17, No. 1, June 1989, pp. 1-14. Assignment 1 due 11:00 am CT |
Mon Feb 5 | Congestion control in the network | Why flow-completion time is the right metric (Dukkipati, Tech Rep 2005; CCR 2006) Flow Rate Fairness: Dismantling a Religion (Briscoe, CCR April 2007) Fair Queueing (Demers et al, SIGCOMM 1989), CoDel (Nichols and Jacobson, ACM Queue 2012), Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks (Katabi et al, SIGCOMM 2002) |
Wed Feb 7 | Project discussion / congestion control in the network |
DCTCP (Alizadeh et al, SIGCOMM 2010) PCC (Dong et al, NSDI 2015), pFabric (Alizadeh et al., SIGCOMM'13), QUIC |
Mon Feb 12 | Modern congestion control |
No required reading Project proposals due 11:00 am CT by email to instructor (instructions) |
Wed Feb 14 | Forwarding architecture |
50-Gb/s IP Router (Partridge et al., ToN 1998) Tag Switching Architecture Overview (Rekhter, Davie, Rosen, Swallow, Farinacci, Katz, 1997), RouteBricks (Dobrescu, SOSP 2009), PacketShader (Han, SIGCOMM 2010) |
Mon Feb 19 | Intradomain routing |
TeXCP (Kandula, SIGCOMM 2005) DEFO (Hartert et al, SIGCOMM 2015) |
Wed Feb 21 | Software-defined network (SDN) architecture |
OpenFlow (McKeown et al, 2008) Fabric: A Retrospective on Evolving SDN (Casado et al, HotSDN 2012) Recommended, but no review: The Future of Networking (Shenker, ONS 2011) Routing Control Platform (Caesar, NSDI 2005), NOX (Gude, CCR 2008), ONIX (Koponen, OSDI 2010) |
Mon Feb 26 | Software-defined intradomain routing |
B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined WAN (Jain et al, SIGCOMM 2013) SWAN (Hong, SIGCOMM 2013), Ethane (Casado, SIGCOMM 2007), SoftRAN (Gudipati, HotSDN 2013) |
Wed Feb 28 | Interdomain routing and connectivity |
BGP routing policies in ISP networks (Caesar and Rexford, IEEE Network Magazine, Nov/Dec 2005) Anatomy of a Large European IXP (Ager et al., SIGCOMM 2012) Espresso (Yap et al, SIGCOMM 2017), InterTubes (Durairajan et al, SIGCOMM 2015), 10 lessons from 10 years (Roughan, JSAC 2011) |
Challenges in Networking | ||
Mon Mar 5 | Capturing intent |
Propane (Beckett et al, SIGCOMM 2016) Pyretic (Reich et al, ;login: 2013), PGA (Prakash et al, SIGCOMM 2015), Abstractions for Network Update (Foster et al, SIGCOMM 2012) |
Wed Mar 7 | Reliability |
Evolve or Die (Govindan et al, SIGCOMM 2016) End-to-End Routing Behavior (Paxson, SIGCOMM 1996), End-to-End Effects (Savage et al, SIGCOMM 1999), DDC (Liu, NSDI 2013), Failure-Carrying Packets (Lakshminarayanan, SIGCOMM 2007), Consensus Routing (John, NSDI 2008), R-BGP (Kushman, NSDI 2007) |
Mon Mar 12 | Project midterm presentations | Project midterm presentations due |
Wed Mar 14 | Project midterm presentations | |
Spring Break | ||
Mon Mar 26 |
Selfish routing in Internet-like environments (Qiu, SIGCOMM 2003) Stable Paths Problem (Griffin, ToN 2002), Selfish Routing (Roughgarden, JACM 2002) |
Wed Mar 28 | Secure routing |
How Secure are Secure Interdomain Routing Protocols? (Goldberg, SIGCOMM 2010) Survey of BGP security (Butler, Proc IEEE, 2010), Prefix Hijacking and Interception (Ballani, SIGCOMM 2007), Pretty Good BGP (Karlin, Computer Networks, 2008), Listen and Whisper (Subramanian, NSDI 2004) |
Special topics | ||
Mon Apr 2 | Guest speaker | |
Wed Apr 4 |
Scalable, Commodity DC Net Arch (Al Fares et al, SIGCOMM 2008) VL2 (Greenberg et al, SIGCOMM 2009), PortLand (Mysore et al, SIGCOMM 2009), BCube (Guo et al, SIGCOMM 2009), Jellyfish (Singla et al, NSDI 2012) |
Mon Apr 9 | Data center workloads and performance | NDP and NDP the Movie (Handley et al, SIGCOMM 2017)
Tail at Scale (Dean and Barroso, CACM Feb 2013), Low Latency via Redundancy (Vulimiri et al, CoNEXT 2013), Scaling Memcache at Facebook (Nishtala et al., NSDI 2013), Speeding up request-response workflows (Jalaparti et al, SIGCOMM 2013) |
Wed Apr 11 | Software-defined data centers |
Network Virtualization in Multi-tenant Datacenters (Koponen et al, NSDI 2014) Assignment 2 released (pdf) |
Mon Apr 16 | Content distribution & Overlay networks |
A Case for a Coordinated Internet Video Control Plane (Liu et al, SIGCOMM 2012) Understanding the Impact of Video Quality on User Engagement (Dobrian, SIGCOMM 2011), Experiences with CoralCDN: A Five-Year Operational View (Freedman, NSDI 2010), BitTorrent incentives (Levin, SIGCOMM 2008) |
Wed Apr 18 | Internet measurement |
Towards a comprehensive picture of the Great Firewall's DNS censorship (Anonymous, FOCI 2014) The Collateral Damage of Internet Censorship by DNS Injection (Anonymous, CCR 2011; see also public review and presentation), AdTag (Callejo et al, HotNets 2017), An Untold Story of Middleboxes in Cellular Networks (Wang, Qian, Xu, Mao, Zhang, SIGCOMM 2011), Internet Inter-Domain Traffic (Labovitz, SIGCOMM 2010), California Fault Lines (Turner, SIGCOMM 2010), Delayed Internet Routing Convergence (Labovitz, ToN 2001), Impact of Routing Events (Wang, SIGCOMM 2006), Reverse traceroute (Katz-Bassett, NSDI 2010), Broadband Internet performance: a view from the gateway (Sundaresan, SIGCOMM 2011) Assignment 2 due Friday 11:00 am CT |
Mon Apr 23 | The future of service providers | E2 (Palkar et al, SOSP 2015) Recursive SDN (McCauley et al, CCR 2016), OpenBox (Bremler-Barr et al, SIGCOMM 2016) |
Wed Apr 25 | Project help session and Blue Waters field trip | No reading |
Mon Apr 30 | Programmable switches |
Packet Transactions (Sivaraman et al, SIGCOMM 2016) NetChain (Jin et al, NSDI 2018), P4 (Bosshart et al, CCR July 2014) |
Wed May 2 | Emerging networking research directions and course wrap-up | Networks should run themselves (Feamster, Rexford, 2018) |
Fri May 4, 1:30 - 4:30 pm, 2nd floor atrium | Final Project Presentation Extravaganza | Final project presentations due |