CS 473: Lecture Schedule

The schedule below lists the topic of each lecture, with links to relevant lecture notes or book chapters, lecture videos, and lecture scribbles. All future lecture topics are subject to change; exam dates are not. Please let me know if you find any of the bugs I've cleverly hidden in the book and notes. Most of these bugs are just typos, but undoubtedly a few are actually quite serious. Notes that have been recently revised (however lightly) are marked ✍️.

Videos of all past lectures, with transcriptions, are available on a separate page. New transcribed videos should appear automatically at most a day after each lecture. (Unfortunately, ClassTranscribe is misbehaving; hopefully we'll catch up on transcribed videos soon.) I will also add links on this page to my own screen-capture videos, but that process is manual, so it may take some time.

After spring break, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instruction moved online and all lectures became asynchronous. Lecture videos are uploaded at least a few hours in advance of the corresponding "lecture" time. We still hold course meetings over Zoom at the regular lecture time, for discussion and questions about the course material. For privacy reasons, videos of Zoom sessions (marked 🔒) are restricted to registered students and course staff; log in with your university NetID and password.

Prerequisite material

Solving recurrences
Divide and conquer
Whatever-first search
Depth-first search and topological sorting

Recursion/Dynamic Programming

Wed Jan 22
Introduction, administrivia
Recursion and backtracking
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Jan 24
Dynamic programming: subsequences
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Wed Jan 29
Dynamic programming: subsequences and trees
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Jan 31
Dynamic programming: trees and dags
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Mon Feb 1
Add deadline
Wed Feb 5
Advanced dynamic programming: divide-and-conquer ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Feb 7
Advanced dynamic programming: four Russians, fast longest increasing subsequence, monotonicity ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Wed Feb 12
Advanced dynamic programming: SMAWK, concave minimum weight subsequence ✍️
(sloppy; clarified next Wednesday)
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]


Fri Feb 14
Flipping coins, collecting Pokémon, and shuffling cards ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Wed Feb 19
Sorting nuts and bolts ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Feb 21
No lecture; optional review session
[ video with transcript, raw video, just the problems, scribbles]
Tue Feb 25
Midterm 1, 7pm-9pm
Wed Feb 26
Treaps ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Feb 28
Tail inequalities ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Wed Mar 4
Hashing: limited randomness, universality, chaining, perfect hashing ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Mar 6
Hashing: open addressing, linear/binary probing ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Wed Mar 11
String matching: Sliding hash function ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Fri Mar 13
String matching: Knuth-Morris-Pratt (dynamic programming) ✍️
[ video with transcript, raw video, scribbles]
Mar 14–22
☼ Spring break ☼


Wed Mar 25
Flows and cuts, maxflow-mincut theorem, residual graphs and augmenting paths
[videos with transcripts: 1, 2, 3. 4, 5; raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scribbles]
Fri Mar 27
Ford-Fulkerson, efficient maxflow algorithms, flow decomposition
[videos with transcripts: 1, 2, (more soon); raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, Zoom🔒; scribbles]
Wed Apr 1
Applications of maximum flows
[videos with transcripts: 1, 2, 3; raw videos: 1, 2, 3; scribbles]
Fri Apr 3
Midterm 2 review session
[videos with transcripts: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; raw videos: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Zoom🔒; just the problems; scribbles]
Mon Apr 6
8am: Midterm 2 released
Wed Apr 8
3pm: Midterm 2 due
Fri Apr 10
More applications of maximum flows
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scribbles]
Wed Apr 15
Supplies, demands, and pseudoflows ✍️
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Zoom🔒; scribbles]
Fri Apr 17
Minimum-cost flows: minimum-cost circulations, cycle canceling, successive shortest paths
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Zoom🔒; scribbles]
Wed Apr 22
Linear programming: definitions, duality ✍️
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scribbles]
Fri Apr 24
The (primal and dual) simplex algorithm(s)
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scribbles]

Other Cool Stuff

Wed Apr 29
Fast Fourier transforms ✍️
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4; scribbles]
Fri May 1
Old and new algorithms for cyclic dynamic programming
[raw videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; scribbles]
Mon May 4
8am: ICES forms released
Wed May 6
Final exam review
[raw videos: intro, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 6; just the problems, scribbles]
Wed May 6
Drop and CR/NC deadline
Mon May 11
8am: Final exam released
Tue May 12
10pm: Final exam due
Fri May 15
5pm: ICES forms due