
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
25 Semantic Communications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Chang Su
Chenhao Li
Tianze Du
YU Liu
Xiaoyue Li design_document2.pdf
Meng Zhang
1. Yu LIU (yul9),
2. Chenhao LI (cl89),
3. Chang SU (changsu4),
4. Tianze DU (tianzed2)


Semantic Communications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

#Problem & Motivation:

Most existing techniques in semantic communications heavily rely on the direct transmission of each entire image between transmitters and receivers, whose performance is bottlenecked by the transmission procedure rather than the algorithms of semantic understanding. Therefore, we aim to develop a technique for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which can understand image samples, extract specific semantics, and communicate its symbolic representations to a target receiver (e.g., another UAV or smart device). We anticipate that this technique can be much speedier than the direct transmission of each entire image.

#Solution Overview:

Our design at a high level:
Extract the semantic features of images taken by the camera on UAV, and encode these features into bits for transmission. Bits are transmitted through physical channel. The receivers’decoders understand and infer the messages.

#Solution Components:
- Subsystem 1: Mutual Communication System (MCS) between UAVs and smart devices. The UAV needs to transmit semantic information to receivers. It needs Channel Encoder, Physical Channel and Channel Decoder.
- Subsystem 2: Lighting Semantic Extraction Systems (LSES) for semantic information extraction on UAV. The system needs to understand images information, for example number of people and their locations on images, or other extract useful information.
- Subsystem 3: UAV mechanical, balance and dynamic System (UAVS). We need to modify a “stupid” UAV and make it successfully carry a camera and a microcomputer (e.g.,smartphone), moved around, and take image samples.

#Criterion for success
- Basic Requirements
1. Develop a UAV drone able to carry a camera and a microcomputer (e.g.,smartphone), moved around, and take image samples.
2. The UAV understands its images, especially number of people and their locations on images.
3. The UAV transmits semantic information to receivers.
- Additional Features
1. Successful performance improvements in terms of transmission speed and other important metrics.
2. The UAV may understand other extract useful information (semantics) and their relative locations.

#Distribution of Work
1. Yu Liu: In charge of the whole project. Assist with Lighting Semantic Extraction Systems (LSES) and Mutual Communication System (MCS).
2. Chang Su: In charge of Lighting Semantic Extraction Systems (LSES). Assist with UAV mechanical, balance and dynamic System (UAVS).
3. Chenhao Li: In charge of Mutual Communication System (MCS), Assist with Lighting Semantic Extraction Systems (LSES).
4. Tianze Du: In charge of UAV mechanical, balance and dynamic System (UAVS). Assist with Mutual Communication System (MCS).

Drum Tutor Lite

Featured Project

Team: Yuanheng Yan, Zhen Qin, Xun Yu

Vision: Rhythm games such as guitar hero are much easier than playing the actual drums. We want to make a drum tutor that makes playing drums as easy as guitar hero. The player is not required to read a sheet music.

Description: We will build a drum add-on that will tutor people how to play the drums. We will make a panel for visual queue of the drum and beats in a form similar to guitar hero game. The panel can be a N*10 (N varying with the drum kit) led bar array. Each horizontal bar will be a beat and each horizontal line above the bottom line will represent the upcoming beats.

There will be sensors on each drum that will fire when the drum heads is hit. The drums will be affixed with ring of light that provides the timing and accuracy of the player according to the sensors.

Of course with a flip of a switch, the drum could be a simple light up drum: when the player hits the drum, that particular drum will light up giving cool effects.

The system will be on a microprocessor. Or for more versatile uses, it could be connected to the computer. And a app will be written for the tutor.