
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
37 Dental Health Monitoring System
Linjie Tong
Xin Wang
Yichen Shi
Zitai Kong
Adeel Ahmed design_document3.docx
Zuozhu Liu
The project is to build an intelligent dental health monitoring system that can collect dental images, send images to a cloud server based on mobile App, perform tooth image segmentation and medical image analysis (2D image to 3D point cloud/mesh reconstruction) with cutting-edge AI algorithm. For RFA, please refer to the link to idea post below.

Fountain show

Dingyi Feng, Tianli Ling, Zhelun Lu, Shibo Zhang

Featured Project

## Team

- Dingyi Feng(dingyif2)

- Tianli Ling(tling3)

- Zhelun Lu(zhelunl2)

- Shibo Zhang(shiboz2)

## Problem:

A fountain show on campus can make students feel more relaxed after class. However, some fountain shows only have monotonous, stiff, and single actions. Besides, they cannot automatically generate action and light effects. Compared with large fountain shows, small and medium-sized fountain shows have the advantage of time and space. In most cases, a large fountain show only has preloaded music which cannot be decided by audiences. Large fountain shows also require people to design the action and light effects for each music, which takes lots of time and effort. Compared with the large fountain show, our small fountain show will be more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. During the COVID-19 pandemic, large fountain shows might result in large crowds gathering, but a small fountain show can reduce the risk of infection.

## Solution Overview:

Our fountain show would be built at a pool on the sourthwest of the main lake on campus. By manually programing, the fountain show could realize changing lighting effects and movements. Besides, our fountain show could also identify the music which was imported into our system, and automatically generate the lighting effects and movements with the music. If time permits, we will strengthen the human-computer interaction of our product. To be specific, people could scan the QR code or use our online system to choose the music they want, so that they can enjoy the fountain show at any time.

## Solution Components:

### Control Subsystem:

- Music colleccting and analyzing subsystem: Computer that can import music signals and analyze them.

- Converting subsystem: After music signal is analyzed, we need computer to convert useful signals into digital signals. Digital signals will be used to control LEDs and other mechanical subsystems.

### Mechanical Subsystem:

- Pump Subsystem: Water pump that can pump water from the lake. Valves will be used to control water’s flow rate of each nozzle.

- Lighting Subsystem: LEDs are needed to light our fountains. They are controlled by microprocessor on PCB. Their brightness and color can be changed with music.

- Motor Subsystem: Two motors are needed for each fountain nozzle to control the movements. The motors are controlled by microprocessor on PCB.

### Power subsystem:

- The pump is drived by DC power (12V 20~30A). PCB and computer will be drived by USB (5V 1A). Full module power supply with 12V and 5V output is needed.

## Criterion for Success:

- If it can successfully identify a piece of music and convert it to electrical signals that we need in controlling LED’s lighting and nozzle’s moving.

- If the whole system can work stably for a long time and whether it is safe to use without electric leakage or other problems.

- If music playing, fountain movements and LED lights are synchronized.

- If the fountain system is neat and whether the fountain performance is ornamental enough.