
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
15 Automated Pour-over Coffee Machine with Imitation Learning
Jie Wang
Jingyuan Huang
Rucheng Ke
William Qiu
Said Mikki
# RFA for Automated Pour-over Coffee Machine with Imitation Learning

# Problem

The art of pour-over coffee brewing, famous for its complex flavor and high quality, is heavily dependent on the skills and experience of a barista. This craftsmanship leads to variability in coffee quality due to human inconsistency. Additionally, it is challenging for common coffee enthusiasts to replicate professional barista techniques at home or in non-specialized settings.

# Solution Overview

We propose the development of **an intelligent Automated Pour-over Coffee Machine leveraging imitation learning algorithms**. This machine will mimic the techniques of professional baristas, ensuring consistency and high-quality in every cup. The project will involve designing a mechanical structure integrated with sensors and developing sophisticated software algorithms.

# Solution Components

## Component 1: Mechanical Design

- **Purpose:** To create a machine that can physically replicates the movements and precision of a barista.
- **Features:** An adjustable nozzle for water flow control, a mechanical arm for simulating hand movements, and a stable structure to house the coffee dripper.
- **Challenges:** Ensuring precise movement and durability of moving parts, and integrating the mechanical system with electronic controls for seamless operation.
- **Expectation:** A workable, fixed coffee machine first, then upgrade it.

## Component 2: Sensors and Data Collection

- **Purpose:** To gather precise data on barista techniques for the learning algorithm.
- **Features:** High-precision sensors capturing data on water flow, angle, speed, and trajectory during the pour-over process.
- **Challenges:** Accurately capturing the nuanced movements of a professional barista and ensuring sensor durability under varying conditions.

## Component 3: Imitation Learning Algorithm

- **Purpose:** To analyze and learn from the collected data, enabling the machine to replicate these actions.
- **Features:** Advanced algorithms processing visual and sensory data to mimic barista techniques, this requires to duplicate the state-of-the-art research result from Robotics field.
- **Challenges:** Developing an algorithm capable of adapting to different styles and ensuring it can be updated as it learns from new data.

## Optional Components:

- **Multimodal Origin Information Pre-Processing:** To adjust settings based on different coffee beans and grind sizes.
- **User Interface Design:** An intuitive interface for user customization and selection of coffee preferences.
- **ChatGPT Enhanced Custom Coffee Setting**: To make the machine more intelligent and like a human barista, SOTA artificial intelligence like LLMs should be involved to make it more a sort of an agent than a regular machine.

# Criterion for Success

- **Mechanical Precision:** The machine must accurately control water flow and replicate barista movements.
- **Algorithm Effectiveness:** The machine should consistently brew coffee that matches or surpasses the quality of a professional barista.
- **User Experience:** The interface should be user-friendly, allowing customization without overwhelming the user.
- **Reliability and Durability:** The machine should operate consistently over time with minimal maintenance.
- **Taste Test Approval:** The coffee produced must be favorably reviewed in taste tests against traditional pour-over coffee.

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