
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
11 Automated Chinese Traditional Chimes with Song
Luting Lei
Siyi Li
Tianle Wu
Xiaoxiao Pan
Yu Lin
# Team Members
- Tianle Wu (tianle3)
- Luting Lei (lutingl2)
- Siyi Li (siyili4)
- Xiaoxiao Pan (xp8)

# Problem

Few people play Chinese traditional Chimes, and they're often stuck in traditional music, which seems to be a barrier of traditional instruments. Additionally, there are few research on blending modern music with Chinese traditional genres. By addressing these issues, the project is an invention contributes to Chinese traditional music instrument in a modern context and innovatively researches the possible music style transformation between model music and traditional Chinese music.

# Solution Overview

The project aims to revive the melody played by smartphones in the Chinese traditional Chimes. We will first recognize a melody from a smartphone and generate the adapted melody for chimes, then transform the melody to signals, and then control a mechanical design to ring the chimes with the motor.

# Solution Components
- Melody Recognition and Generating Model: The model will be trained to automatically recognize the main melody from a period of sound played by the smartphone and adapt to Chinese traditional style for chimes.
- Electrical Control System: The system will transform the generated melody to location and time signals (for different pitches and rhythms) and build a microcontroller.
- Mechanical System: A hammer structure hanging horizontally at the top of a series of chimes controlled by a motor. It will ring the corresponding chimes controlled by the electrical control system.

# Criteria for Success
- Training a machine learning model that could correctly recognize the melody from a smartphone (with noise). Apply the algorithm to adapt the recognized melody for chimes play.
- Generating correct position and time signals and successfully controlling motor operation.
- Easy and flexible structure for hammer ringing every chime.
- Make the adapted music pleasant and make the whole structure as simple as possible.

Intelligent Texas Hold 'Em Robot

Xuming Chen, Jingshu Li, Yiwei Wang, Tong Xu

Featured Project

## Problem

Due to the severe pandemic of COVID-19, people around the world have to keep a safe social distance and to avoid big parties. As one of famous Poker games in the western world, the Texas Hold’em is also influenced by the pandemic and tends to turn to online game platform, which, unfortunately, brings much less real excites and fun to its players. We hope to develop a product to assist Poker players to get rid of the limit of time and space, trying to let them enjoy card games just as before the pandemic.

## Solution Overview

Our solution is to develop an Intelligent Texas Hold’em robot, which can make decisions in real Texas poker games. The robot is expected to play as an independent real player and make decisions in game. It means the robot should be capable of getting the information of public cards and hole cards and making the best possible decisions for betting to get as many chips as possible.

## Solution Components

-A Decision Model Based on Multilayer Neural Network

-A Texas Hold'em simulation model which based on traditional probabilistic models used for generating training data which are used for training the decision model

-A module of computer vision enabling game AI to recognize different faces and suits of cards and to identify the game situation on the table.

-A manipulation robot hand which is able to pick, hold and rotate cards.

-Several Cameras helping to movement of robot hand and the location of cards.

## Criterion for Success

- Training a decision model for betting using deep learning techniques (mainly reinforcement learning).

- Using cv technology to transform the information of public cards and hole cards and the chips of other players to valid input to the decision-making model.

- Using speech recognition technology to recognize other players’ actions for betting as valid input to the decision model.

Using the PTZ to realize the movement of the cameras which are used to capture the information of pokers and chips.

- Finish the mechanical design of an interactive robot, which includes actions like draw cards, move cards to camera, move chips and so on. Utilize MCU to control the robot.

Project Videos