
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
24 Autonomous Transport Car
Size Feng
Xinyue Lu
Zhixin Chen
Zhuozheng He
Chushan Li
## Team Members

- Zhixin Chen(zhixinc3)
- Zhuozheng He(zh37)
- Size Feng(sizef2)
- Xinyue Lu(xinyue15)

## Problem

We have found that most warehouses still use manual management for inbound and outbound operations. This mode requires a high level of manual labor. Therefore, we decided to design a small autonomous vehicle for small warehouses that can automatically pick up pieces. The car will find the designated goods as needed, move them away, and place them in the designated area. This design can simultaneously avoid picking up goods by mistake and reduce the pressure and cost of warehouse management.

## Solution Overview

Our car will be tested and displayed in a simplified shelf environment designed by ourselves. The shelf environment will consist of several arranged shelves, guide lines on the ground, and several demonstration goods with RFID chips. The car will find the corresponding goods based on the information provided in the app, and use the mechanical structure to grab them and place them on the designated platform. If time permits, we will optimize for car movement speed, gripping speed, and the app platform human-computer interaction.

## Solution Components

### Mechanical Subsystem

- Car subsystem: The car will plan the optimal route based on the location of the goods and travel faster along the predetermined trajectory on the ground.

- Grab subsystem: After the car comes to a stop, the robotic arm can move to the designated position and grab the goods without touching other objects. Always hold onto the goods until they are transported to the designated pickup platform.

- Identify subsystem: Using RFID technology to identify the specific location of goods on the shelves. We will place RFID chips on the goods in advance.

- Interactive subsystem: Use the mobile app to give instructions to the car to retrieve the goods. The mobile app will receive feedback that the goods have been placed on the pickup platform or do not exist.

### Power Subsystem

The driving PCB board of the car, the driving circuit of the robotic arm, and the circuit recognized by the RFID chip are independently powered.

### Criterion for Success

- The car can travel along the trajectory at a fast speed to a designated position.
- It can correctly identify the goods that need to be grabbed
- The mechanical structure on the car can grab the goods on the shelves and transport them
- A simple app for issuing instructions and receiving feedback

Environmental Sensing for Firefighters

Featured Project

Hyun Yi, Lauren White, and Andri Teneqexhi earned the Instructor's Award in the Fall of 2013 for their work on the Environmental Sensing for Firefighters.

"Engineering is all about solving real life problems and using the solutions to improve the lives of others. ECE 445 allows you to actually delve deeper into what this really means by providing students the chance to undergo the engineering design process. This requires taking all of the theoretical knowledge, lab experiences, and ultimately, everything that you have ever learned in life, and applying it to your project. Though, there is structure to the course and deadlines in place to measure your team's progress, the actual design, implementation, and success of your project is all determined by you. Unlike any other course that I have taken, I've gained an appreciation for the utilization and benefits of external resources, unforeseen scheduling delays, delegating tasks, and most importantly, teamwork. I consider ECE 445 to be a crash course into real life engineering and a guide to become a successful engineer." -- Lauren White