
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
26 Teaching Heat to Student
Kaihua Hu
Tianyu Feng
Yongxin Xie
Ziang Liu
Wee-Liat Ong
# Team Member
- Kaihua Hu, kaihua2
- Tianyu Feng, tianyuf2
- Yongxin Xie, yjie3
- Ziang Liu, ziangl4

# Title
Teaching Heat to Student

# Problem
The need for an effective and engaging educational tool to introduce elementary and middle school students to fundamental concepts of heat transfer and thermal energy conversion.

# Solution Overview
We propose the design and manufacture of an integrated thermal experiment platform that provides a safe and hands-on environment for students. The platform will include visual demonstrations of heat conduction and convection, a coating for thermal radiation visualization, and an introduction to thermoelectricity.

# Solution Components
## Subsystem 1
Use a metal rod with one end heated and temperature sensors to detect every temperature on certain position, then visualize it on a computer. And we can use another hollow metal rod with fluid in it, detect and visualize the temperature in same way and show the influence of convection.

## Subsystem 2
Demonstrate the principle of electric heating material which could generate current when people put their hands on it and light up LEDs displaying 'ZJUI'.

## Subsystem 3
Design a coating material which could reflect certain wavelength of a light source and allow the electronicmagnetic wave from human to pass through. Demonstrating a scenario that people could feel cool with this material when received heat source radiation.

# Criterion for Success
- Engaging and safe educational experience.
- Clear understanding of heat transfer concepts by students.
- Successful demonstration of thermal radiation and thermoelectricity.

# Distribution of Work
- Kaihua Hu: Design and Manufacturing
- Tianyu Feng: Design and Manufacturing
- Yongxin Xie: Control and Electrical circuit
- Ziang Liu: Control and Electrical circuit

Filtered Back – Projection Optical Demonstration

Featured Project

Project Description

Computed Tomography, often referred to as CT or CAT scans, is a modern technology used for medical imaging. While many people know of this technology, not many people understand how it works. The concepts behind CT scans are theoretical and often hard to visualize. Professor Carney has indicated that a small-scale device for demonstrational purposes will help students gain a more concrete understanding of the technical components behind this device. Using light rather than x-rays, we will design and build a simplified CT device for use as an educational tool.

Design Methodology

We will build a device with three components: a light source, a screen, and a stand to hold the object. After placing an object on the stand and starting the scan, the device will record three projections by rotating either the camera and screen or object. Using the three projections in tandem with an algorithm developed with a graduate student, our device will create a 3D reconstruction of the object.


• Motors to rotate camera and screen or object

• Grid of photo sensors built into screen

• Light source

• Power source for each of these components

• Control system for timing between movement, light on, and sensor readings