
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
2 Smart Power Routing
Jiabao Shen
Jingjing Qiu
Xiaoyi Han
Yunfei Lyu
Timothy Lee
Yunfei Lyu 3200111297

Jingjing Qiu 3200110900

Jiabao Shen 3200112328

Xiaoyi Han 3200112425

Our "Smart Power Routing" project addresses the challenge of efficiently distributing and utilizing power among devices with varying needs, such as a lightbulb and a fan. Traditional systems struggle with dynamically managing power supply due to changing user demands and device requirements, often leading to energy waste and inconsistent device functionality. Our solution is a dynamic power management system that intelligently adapts voltage supply in real-time, responding to user interactions like switching devices or manual power generation. This project aims to demonstrate the practicality of smart power management in real-world scenarios, offering an accessible and engaging illustration of these principles for a broad audience.

Our smart routing system manages and stores energy from electrical outlets and manual inputs — such as hand-crank generators and a pneumatic turbine — into a battery. After receiving power information from the sensor, it then dynamically allocates power to a fan and lightbulb in response to user interactions. The system's adaptability is managed by a microcontroller, which ensures efficient energy distribution and maintains device operation through variable conditions.

## SUBSYSTEM 1: Energy Harvesting and Storage
This subsystem combines power from electrical sockets and manual energy generation methods, storing it in a battery for stable supply. It utilizes hand-crank generators and a pneumatic turbine, powered by a hand-squeezed air pump, to capture and convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Diodes and charge controllers ensure efficient energy flow into the battery, safeguarding against overcharging and power backflow.

## SUBSYSTEM 2: User Interaction Interface
Switches and buttons serve as physical input devices. This user interaction interface captures user inputs, such as toggling the state of the socket, light, and fan, or activating the hand generator and turbine.

## SUBSYSTEM 3: Power Sensing and Load Management
The power requirements of the fan and lightbulb are constantly monitored by current sensors, informing the microcontroller of any fluctuations in power consumption. This data allows the system to adjust power distribution in real-time, maintaining an uninterrupted operation of the connected devices.

## SUBSYSTEM 4: Microcontroller and Power Adjustment
A microcontroller serves as the brain of the operation, processing sensor inputs and user interactions to manage the power flow effectively. It commands solid-state relays or transistor-based circuits to regulate the power supplied to the fan and lightbulb, ensuring their continuous operation.

## SUBSYSTEM 5: Display and Monitoring
An LED screen displays battery storage condition and real-time power usage for both the fan and lightbulb, providing a visual representation of the system’s efficiency and the power dynamics between the devices and the power sources.

- Reliability: The system should consistently provide uninterrupted power to both the fan and the lightbulb regardless of user interactions, such as turning switches on and off and the presence of manual power generation from hand cranks or turbine inputs.
- Efficiency: It should maximize the energy harvested from manual inputs and minimize losses during power conversion and distribution.
- Good Visualization: The project should successfully demonstrate the principles of smart power routing in a way that is understandable and engaging for viewers, with clear displays of current power and battery condition.
- Safety: The energy storage and distribution system must operate safely at all times, with built-in safeguards against overcharging, power backflow, and other potential hazards.
- Durability and Maintenance: The system should be built to last, with easy maintenance and robust construction to withstand frequent use, especially by those unfamiliar with the system.

## Yunfei Lyu - Project Manager and Quality Assurance
- Responsibilities: Yunfei will oversee the project as the manager, coordinating project timelines, resource distribution, and team communication. Yunfei is also tasked with ensuring the overall quality of the project, focusing on both hardware and software components to meet the established reliability and safety standards.

## Jingjing Qiu - Software Development
- Responsibilities: Jingjing will be responsible for developing the control software and energy management algorithm. The role involves coding the software to process input signals and dynamically adjust outputs, as well as implementing data logging capabilities.

## Jiabao Shen - Hardware Design and Safety Concerns
- Responsibilities: Jiabao will spearhead the design and assembly of the hardware components, which includes crafting a smart voltage regulation system and ensuring the hardware is durable and easy to maintain. Additionally, Jiabao will be responsible for integrating safety features such as circuit breakers and surge protectors.

## Xiaoyi Han - User Interface and Interaction
- Responsibilities: Xiaoyi's focus will be on enhancing user experience by developing an intuitive user interface (if applicable) and ensuring that the functional demonstration table is user-friendly and engaging. This role also entails testing the system's user interaction components for effectiveness and ease of use.

Fixed wing drone with auto-navigation

Ziyang An, Zhanhao He, Yihui Li, Zhibo Teng

Featured Project

# Fixed wing drone with auto-navigation

## Group Members

**Zhibo Teng** NetID: zhibot2

**Yihui Li** NetID: yihuil2

**Ziyang An** NetID: ziyanga2

**Zhanhao He** NetID: zhanhao5

## Problem

Traditional methods of data collection, such as using manned aircraft or ground surveys, can be time-consuming, expensive, and limited in their ability to access certain areas. The multi-rotor airfoil UAV being used now has slow flight speed and short single distance, which is not suitable for some long-distance operations. Moreover, it needs manual control, so it has low convenience. Fixed wing drones with auto-navigation can overcome these limitations by providing a cost-effective and flexible solution for aerial data collection.

The motivation behind our design is to provide a reliable and efficient way to collect high-quality data from the air, which can improve decision-making processes for a variety of industries. The drone can fly pre-determined flight paths, making it easier to cover large areas and collect consistent data. The auto-navigation capabilities can also improve the accuracy of the data collected, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing the risk of errors.

## Solution Overview

Our design is a fixed wing drone with auto-navigation capabilities that is optimized for aerial data collection. The drone is equipped with a range of sensors and cameras, as well as software that allows it to fly pre-determined flight paths and collect data in a consistent and accurate manner. Our design solves the problem of inefficient and costly aerial data collection by providing a cost-effective and flexible solution that can cover large areas quickly and accurately. The auto-navigation capabilities of the drone enable it to fly pre-determined flight paths, which allows for consistent and repeatable data collection. This reduces the need for manual intervention, which can improve the accuracy of the data and minimize the risk of errors. Additionally, the drone’s compact size and ability to access difficult-to-reach areas can make it an ideal solution for industries that require detailed aerial data collection.

## Solution Components

### Subsystem #1: Aircraft Structure and Design

* Design the overall structure of the plane, including the wings, fuselage, and tail section

* Use 3D modeling software to create a digital model of the plane

* Choose materials for construction based on their weight, durability, and strength

* Create a physical model of the plane using 3D printing or laser cutting

### Subsystem #2: Flight Control System

* Implement a flight control system that can be operated both manually and automatically

* For manual control, design a control panel that includes a joystick and other necessary controls

* For automatic control, integrate a flight controller module that can be programmed with waypoints and flight parameters

* Choose appropriate sensors for detecting altitude, speed, and orientation of the plane

* Implement algorithms for stabilizing the plane during flight and adjusting control surfaces for directional control

### Subsystem #3: Power and Propulsion

* Choose a suitable motor and propeller to provide the necessary thrust for the plane

* Design and integrate a battery system that can power the motor and control systems for a sufficient amount of time

* Implement a power management system that can monitor the battery voltage and ensure safe operation of the plane

### Subsystem #4: Communication and Telemetry

* Implement a wireless communication system for transmitting telemetry data and controlling the plane remotely

* Choose a suitable communication protocol such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth

* Develop a user interface for displaying telemetry data and controlling the plane from a mobile device or computer

## Criterion for Success

1. Design and complete the UAV model including wings, fuselage, and tail section

2. The UAV can fly normally in the air and realize the control of the UAV, including manual and automatic control

3. To realize the data monitoring of UAV in flight, including location, speed and altitude

## Distribution of Work

**Zhibo Teng:** Aircraft Structure and Design

**Yihui Li:** Aircraft Structure and Design

**Ziyang An:** Flight Control System Power and Propulsion

**Zhanhao He:** Flight Control System Communication and Telemetry