
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
40 Automatic Intelligent Fishing Pod
Baiming Li
Xinyi Song
Yitong Gu
Ziyi Shen
Said Mikki
Our project, the SmartFish Pod, introduces a seamless fishing experience by integrating automation and AI technology. This device is an innovation in the recreational fishing industry, enhancing the traditional practice with modern technology.

General Description:
SmartFish Pod is a compact, intelligent fishing assistant that automates baiting, bite detection, and rod lifting. It employs cameras and sensors, coupled with machine vision, to not only detect activity but also identify fish species and analyze the environment.

The project's uniqueness lies in its autonomous operation, offering a hands-free fishing solution. Unlike inventions that create new methods, this innovation refines and elevates an existing practice. It's particularly distinctive due to its species identification capabilities, which none of the current fishing aids offer.

The current market offers basic electronic bite alarms and rod holders, which reduce but do not eliminate manual involvement. SmartFish Pod's full automation and environmental assessment features are novel, positioning it ahead of competitors in terms of technology integration and user experience.

Technical Overview:
The pod's mechanics are designed for ease of use, featuring an automatic baiting system and a responsive rod lifting mechanism. Its digital brain utilizes a robust AI algorithm trained on a multitude of data to recognize species and predict bites. This system is connected to a user-friendly interface that informs the angler of real-time conditions and statistics, making fishing accessible and educational for enthusiasts at all levels.

Easy Cube Clock

Featured Project

Today's alarm clock market is full of inexpensive, but hard to use alarm clocks. It is our observation that there is a need for an alarm clock that is easy to set, and turn on and off with little instruction. Imagine an alarm that is set with the intuitive motion of flipping the clock over. When the alarm is on, you can see the alarm time on the top of the clock. To turn off the alarm, you simply flip it over to hide alarm display. Out of sight, out of mind. The front face of the clock will always show the current time, and will flip to the correct orientation.