
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
27 Supernumerary Robotic Limbs
Haotian Jiang
Xuekun Zhang
Yichi Zhang
Yushi Chen
Liangjing Yang
Haotian Jiang (hj24)
Yushi Chen
Yichi Zhang
Xuekun Zhang(xuekunz2)

Supernumerary Robotic Limbs (SRLs) have emerged as a fascinating advancement in the field of robotics, offering the potential to augment human capabilities by providing additional robotic limbs. However, a significant current problem plaguing the implementation of SRLs revolves around integration challenges. The seamless coordination between these robotic limbs and the user's natural limbs remains a complex issue. Achieving intuitive and synchronized control over the supernumerary limbs, ensuring they move in harmony with the user's intended actions, poses a considerable technological hurdle. Additionally, the current state of SRLs faces limitations in adaptability to various tasks and environments, hindering their practicality.

1. Seamless Coordination and Control: One of the main challenges is achieving intuitive and synchronized control between SRLs and the user's natural limbs. This requires advanced sensor technologies and algorithms capable of interpreting human intent and translating it into precise robotic movement.

Solution Ideas:
Advanced Sensory Feedback: Implementing a sophisticated sensory feedback system that can accurately detect and interpret the user's movements and intentions. This could involve a combination of technologies like electromyography (EMG) to read muscle signals, motion sensors, and perhaps even neural interfaces. Machine Learning Algorithms: Developing algorithms capable of learning and adapting to the user's movement patterns. Machine learning can help in predicting and synchronizing the movements of the robotic limbs with the user's natural limbs. Haptic Feedback: Integrating haptic feedback into the SRL system can provide the user with tactile information about the limb's position and the forces it encounters, enhancing control.

2. Adaptability to Various Tasks and Environments: SRLs need to be versatile enough to perform a wide range of tasks in different environments, which is a challenging aspect of their design and functionality.

Solution Ideas:
Modular Design: Creating a modular SRL system where different types of limbs or tools can be attached and detached as needed could provide the versatility required for different tasks. Environment Sensing and Adaptation: Incorporating sensors that allow the SRL to understand and adapt to different environments. This could involve visual recognition systems, lidar for spatial awareness, or other environmental sensors. User-Defined Customization: Allowing users to customize the settings and behavior of the SRLs for specific tasks could enhance their practicality in various scenarios.

3. User Training and Interface Design: Another critical aspect is how users interact with and control the SRLs. The learning curve and ease of use are important for wide adoption.
Solution Ideas:
Intuitive User Interfaces: Designing user interfaces that are intuitive and easy to learn can significantly enhance the user experience. This could involve gesture-based controls, voice commands, or even direct brain-computer interfaces for more advanced implementations. Simulation and Training Programs: Providing simulation-based training tools can help users learn to control the SRLs effectively, ensuring they can be used efficiently in real-world tasks.

4. Safety and Compliance: Ensuring the safety of both the user and those around them is paramount, especially in environments where human-robot interaction is frequent.
Solution Ideas:
Real-time Safety Protocols: Implementing real-time monitoring and safety protocols that can prevent accidents or injuries. This includes collision avoidance systems and emergency stop mechanisms. Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to existing robotic and workplace safety regulations, and contributing to the development of new standards specifically for SRLs.

For our Supernumerary Robotic Limbs (SRLs) project, success is contingent upon meeting specific high-level criteria. Stability is a paramount goal, demanding that signals are received seamlessly, without any loss, especially within the confines of a room, even when there is a gap of two chairs. Affordability is a key criterion, emphasizing the importance of keeping costs low to enable widespread adoption and accessibility. Efficiency is critical; the process from user input to signal collection and transmission should operate with minimal delay. Aesthetic considerations are not overlooked; the design should be widely accepted and easily producible through technologies like 3D printing. Feedback mechanisms are crucial for user satisfaction; users should receive prompt and meaningful feedback from the system, enhancing their experience and trust. Additionally, the system's concurrency is vital; it must adeptly handle signals from multiple limbs in real-time, ensuring seamless integration and coordination. These high-level goals collectively define the success of our Supernumerary Robotic Limbs project.


Yichi Zhang: Part of the code work and electronic control system design and equipment selection

Yushi Chen: Part of the code work and electronic control system design and equipment selection

Xuekun Zhang: Progress major code work and overall design work

Haotian Jiang: 3D print structure design and physical setup for the hardware part.

Low Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Featured Project

According to the WHO, 80% of amputees are in developing nations, and less than 3% of that 80% have access to rehabilitative care. In a study by Heidi Witteveen, “the lack of sensory feedback was indicated as one of the major factors of prosthesis abandonment.” A low cost myoelectric prosthetic hand interfaced with a sensory substitution system returns functionality, increases the availability to amputees, and provides users with sensory feedback.

We will work with Aadeel Akhtar to develop a new iteration of his open source, low cost, myoelectric prosthetic hand. The current revision uses eight EMG channels, with sensors placed on the residual limb. A microcontroller communicates with an ADC, runs a classifier to determine the user’s type of grip, and controls motors in the hand achieving desired grips at predetermined velocities.

As requested by Aadeel, the socket and hand will operate independently using separate microcontrollers and interface with each other, providing modularity and customizability. The microcontroller in the socket will interface with the ADC and run the grip classifier, which will be expanded so finger velocities correspond to the amplitude of the user’s muscle activity. The hand microcontroller controls the motors and receives grip and velocity commands. Contact reflexes will be added via pressure sensors in fingertips, adjusting grip strength and velocity. The hand microcontroller will interface with existing sensory substitution systems using the pressure sensors. A PCB with a custom motor controller will fit inside the palm of the hand, and interface with the hand microcontroller.