
# Title Team Members TA Documents Sponsor
2 A Desktop-Size Environment-Controlled Greenhouse for Multi-Variable Optimization of Crop Growth
Haoyu Qiu
Taoran Li
Ze Yang
Zhimin Wang
Qi Wang design_document2.pdf
Wee-Liat Ong
Zhimin Wang ( 3180110982),
Ze Yang ( 3180111602),
Taoran Li ( 3180110750),
Haoyu Qiu ( 3190110672)


Greenhouse production plays a significant role in modern agriculture, especially in densely populated areas such as eastern China. The large-scale and medium-scale greenhouses are a productive system that allows us to respond to the growing global demand for fresh and healthy crops throughout the year, which is widely applied in agricultural production. Traditionally, small-scale greenhouses are usually used in agricultural experiments. Researchers cultivate their plants in a modular environment-controlled greenhouse, to gather data on the state of crop growth in a highly specified and optimized environment. However, in most cases, traditional greenhouses are not intended for ordinary consumers. Several obstacles remain to be solved for a customer greenhouse product:
1. Too large size, excessive energy consumption, not appliable for household use.
2. It is very inconvenient to install and carry away, making it unsuitable for customers to use.
3. The greenhouse environment is not easily controlled because its climate parameters are interrelated.
4. There is no full-featured app to adapt to product use.

To solve the problems mentioned above, we plan to design a desktop-size environment-controlled greenhouse that can be used for ordinary customers. To reduce its size and energy consumption, only the necessary components would be kept in the product. The product is a cube space with an environment-controlling system. All the control functions will be implemented through the app on the mobile phone. The whole product's size is strictly controlled to be desktop-level. The energy consumption should be limited to about the same as general household appliances.

1. Main planting cube. The model should be able to hold a fully functional environment-controlling system.
2. The environment-controlling system includes: adjustable LEDs, a temperature controlling system, water waste collection & disposal, a filter for the input gas, a fan for outputting the fresh air, and a camera to monitor the plants.
3. Environment detectors: a. Temperature. b. Illumination detector. c. Air quality.
4. A mobile phone app that can receive the data and adjust the settings.

1. Desktop-level appliance with appropriate size & energy consumption.
2. A main controlling system based on STM32.
3. Fully functional environmental parameters detection.
4. App to control the function of the product.

All members would contribute to the design and process of the project. Taoran Li will be responsible for the model design including CAD modeling. He will cooperate with Haoyu Qiu, who is responsible for the main control system design. They will mainly be responsible for the hardware part. Zhimin Wang and Ze Yang will mainly participate in the app development. Zhimin Wang will be mainly responsible for the API and interface between hardware and software. Ze Yang will be responsible for the software design. Everyone should be responsible for their parts of the written work. Finally, testing would be held by all of us together.

Cypress Robot Kit

Featured Project

Cypress is looking to develop a robotic kit with the purpose of interesting the maker community in the PSOC and its potential. We will be developing a shield that will attach to a PSoC board that will interface to our motors and sensors. To make the shield, we will design our own PCB that will mount on the PSoC directly. The end product will be a remote controlled rover-like robot (through bluetooth) with sensors to achieve line following and obstacle avoidance.

The modules that we will implement:

- Motor Control: H-bridge and PWM control

- Bluetooth Control: Serial communication with PSoC BLE Module, and phone application

- Line Following System: IR sensors

- Obstacle Avoidance System: Ultrasonic sensor

Cypress wishes to use as many off-the-shelf products as possible in order to achieve a “kit-able” design for hobbyists. Building the robot will be a plug-and-play experience so that users can focus on exploring the capabilities of the PSoC.

Our robot will offer three modes which can be toggled through the app: a line following mode, an obstacle-avoiding mode, and a manual-control mode. In the manual-control mode, one will be able to control the motors with the app. In autonomous modes, the robot will be controlled based off of the input from the sensors.