People & Office Hours

Office Hours Schedule

Office hours are held weekly in the senior design lab. This sheet will be updated if any schedule changes. Make sure to double check the sheet before assuming there will be a TA present when you go!

Fall 2024 Instructors

Name Area
Prof. Mark Butala (Instructor)
Prof. Arne Fliflet (Instructor)
microwave generation and applications
Prof. Aaron Geiger (Instructor)
Prof. Zhefeng Guo (Instructor)
Prof. Timothy Lee (Instructor)
Zutai Chen (TA)
SoC Design, FPGA, Blockchain
Amritesh Dasari (TA)
Alma Furayi (TA)
Caitlin Jones (TA)
Xiaoyue Li (TA)
Image Processing, Deep Learning
Chunzeng Luo (TA)
Muhammad Malik (TA)
Ian Meliala (TA)
Yiqun Niu (TA)
Qi Wang (TA)
Xinyi Xu (TA)
Ronghui Zheng (TA)
Yuchuan Zhu (TA)
Yutao Zhuang (TA)

Other Important People

Name Office Phone Email Area
Dean Biskup UIUC ECE Building UIUC TA

A Direct Digitally Modulated Wireless Communication System

Qingyang Chen, Bingsheng Hua, Luyi Shen, Dingkun Wang

Featured Project

TEAM MEMBERS: Luyi Shen luyis2 Bingsheng Hua bhua5 Dingkun Wang dingkun2 Qingyang Chen qc20

PROJECT NAME: A Direct Digitally Modulated Wireless Communication System

PROBLEM: Communication system is closely related to our life. We measure communication systems primarily by their effectiveness and reliability. But in fact, validity and reliability are a pair of contradictory indicators, and they need a certain compromise. We hope to improve the efficiency of communication system on the basis of guaranteeing the accuracy of communication.

SOLUTION OVERVIEW: The project is to design and implement a kind of communication system for the next generation technology which is much more simplified compared to the systems that existed. The final version of the system should be expected to be able to transmit data like images and videos.

Our basic idea is that the information can be send in digital signal form to matesurface, EM waves will be sent to the matesurface and be scattered to space. The information we want to transit will be carried on scattered EM waves. And once the receiver receives the signal it will be decoded into the original information.

Basically, our project is a kind of innovation or re-creation of an existing communication system. The biggest difference between our design and other systems could be the method to process the information. There is a significant component in our future design called metasurface, which could be used to adjust the phase, magnitude, and polarization along with other significant properties of EM waves which can send multi-digit signal at same time.

As for the functionality of our project, we think it could be an interesting trial and we have faith to finish it since everything we need in the project we could find plenty of research materials and reports to look into. Even if the project is not applicable in the end, we believe the application of the metasurface material could be still powerful in communication system.

SOLUTION COMPONENTS: Metasurface: it could be used to adjust the phase, magnitude, and polarization along with other significant properties of EM waves. Receiver: it is where information will be received and decoded. FPGA: it is where information will be prepared and send to the metasurface. Signal emitter: Send EM wave to matesurface.

CRITERION FOR SUCCESS 1.The system could be used to transmit data like Images and Videos. 2.The system should be able to demonstrate a certain level of supreme communication efficiency

DISTRIBUTION OF WORK: Dingkun Wang & Qingyang Chen

Responsible for the software part of the communication system, including the information processing sent by the computer, the receiver information receives and decode, the interface between software and hardware, etc.

Bingsheng Hua & Luyi Shen

Responsible for the design of metasurface in the communication system and the construction of the hardware of the communication system.