Schedule subject to change as course progresses. |
Lecture slides for not yet given lectures are preliminary, and may change. |
Day |
Date |
Topic |
Slides and Code |
1 | Aug 29 |
Course Introduction, Introduction to Ocaml, Environments |
slides (PPT)
(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
code (OCaml CODE)
2 | Aug 31 |
Ocaml Boolean, Tuples, Functions, Closures |
slides continued from Lecture 2
3 | Sep 5 |
Closures and Evaluation of Function Application, Order of Evaluation in OCaml |
(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
4 | Sep 7 |
Higher-Order Functions, Pattern Matching and Recursion over Lists |
slides continued from Lecture 3
5 | Sep 12 |
Lists, List Pattern Matching, Recursion over Lists, Structural Recursion |
slides (PPT)
(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
6 | Sep 14 |
Forms of Recursion and Higher-Order Recursive Operators |
slides continued from Lecture 5
7 | Sep 19 |
Continuations and Continutation Passing Style |
slides (PPT)
(full sized PDF),
(6 up PDF)
8 | Sep 21 |
Continuation Passing Style (CPS) Transformation |
slides continued from Lecture 7
9 | Sep 26 |
User Defined Types in Ocaml, Data Constructors and Pattern Matching |
slides (PPT)
(full sized PDF),
(6 up PDF)
10 | Sep 28 |
Recursive Data Types in OCaml |
slides continued from Lecture 9 |
11 | Oct 3 |
Types and Type Systems |
slides (PPT)
(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
12 | Oct 5 |
Monomorhic and Polymorphic Type Derivation |
slides continued from Lecture 11
13 | Oct 10 |
Type Inference |
slides continued from Lecture 12 |
14 | Oct 12 |
Covers through Lecture 10 |
15 | Oct 17 |
Type Inference |
(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
16 | Oct 19 |
Unification |
slides continued from Lecture 15
17 | Oct 24 |
Regular Expressions, OCamllex |
slides (PPT)
(Full PDF)
(Six Up PDF)
18 | Oct 26 |
OCamllex, BNF Grammars, Parse Trees |
slides (cont) (PPT)
(Full PDF)
(Six Up PDF)
19 | Oct 31 |
Parsing, Ambiguous Grammars |
slides (PPT)
(PDF)(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
20 | Nov 2 |
Ocamlyacc |
slides (PPT)
(full sized PDF)
(6 up PDF)
21 | Nov 7 |
Ambiguous Grammars, LR Parsing, Action and Goto Tables |
slides (PPT)
(Full PDF)
(Six Up PDF)
22 | Nov 9 |
Dynamic Semantics - Natural Semantics |
slides continued from last time
23 | Nov 14 |
Transition Semantics |
slides continued from Lecture 22
slides (PPT)
(Full PDF)
(Six Up PDF)
24 | Nov 16 |
Covers Lecture 11 through parsing in Lecture 21 |
| Nov 22 |
Thanksgiving |
| Nov 24 |
Thanksgiving |
25 | Nov 28 |
Intro to Lambda Calculus |
slides (PPT)
(Full PDF)
(Six Up PDF)
26 | Nov 30 |
Evaluation in the Lambda Calculus |
slides continued from Lecture 25 |
27 | Dec 5 |
Intro to Axiomatic Semantics |
slides (PPT)
(Full PDF)
(Six Up PDF)
28 | Dec 7 |
Intro to Axiomatic Semantics(cont) |
slides continued from Lecture 27
29 | Dec 12 |
Review |
| Dec 19 |
FINAL (8:00am - 11:00am) |
Cummulative, with more weight on the last third |