CS 421: Programming Languages and Compilers
Lectures from Fall 2016
Video of class lectures

Lecture Schedule for Fall 2017
Schedule subject to change as course progresses.
Lecture slides for not yet given lectures are preliminary, and may change.
Day Date Topic Slides and Code
1Aug 29 Course Introduction, Introduction to Ocaml, Environments slides (PPT) (full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)

code (OCaml CODE) (SHELL)

2Aug 31 Ocaml Boolean, Tuples, Functions, Closures slides continued from Lecture 2
3Sep 5 Closures and Evaluation of Function Application, Order of Evaluation in OCaml slides (PPT) (full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)
4Sep 7 Higher-Order Functions, Pattern Matching and Recursion over Lists slides continued from Lecture 3
5Sep 12 Lists, List Pattern Matching, Recursion over Lists, Structural Recursion slides (PPT) (full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)
6Sep 14 Forms of Recursion and Higher-Order Recursive Operators slides continued from Lecture 5
7Sep 19 Continuations and Continutation Passing Style slides (PPT) (full sized PDF), (6 up PDF)
8Sep 21 Continuation Passing Style (CPS) Transformation slides continued from Lecture 7
9Sep 26 User Defined Types in Ocaml, Data Constructors and Pattern Matching slides (PPT) (full sized PDF), (6 up PDF)
10Sep 28 Recursive Data Types in OCaml slides continued from Lecture 9
11Oct 3 Types and Type Systems slides (PPT) (full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)
12Oct 5 Monomorhic and Polymorphic Type Derivation slides continued from Lecture 11
13Oct 10 Type Inference slides continued from Lecture 12
14Oct 12 MIDTERM 1 Covers through Lecture 10
15Oct 17 Type Inference slides (PPT) (full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)
16Oct 19 Unification slides continued from Lecture 15
17Oct 24 Regular Expressions, OCamllex slides (PPT) (Full PDF) (Six Up PDF)
18Oct 26 OCamllex, BNF Grammars, Parse Trees slides (cont) (PPT) (Full PDF) (Six Up PDF)
19Oct 31 Parsing, Ambiguous Grammars slides (PPT) (PDF)(full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)
20Nov 2 Ocamlyacc slides (PPT) (full sized PDF) (6 up PDF)
21Nov 7 Ambiguous Grammars, LR Parsing, Action and Goto Tables slides (PPT) (Full PDF) (Six Up PDF)
22Nov 9 Dynamic Semantics - Natural Semantics slides continued from last time
23Nov 14 Transition Semantics slides continued from Lecture 22
slides (PPT) (Full PDF) (Six Up PDF)
24Nov 16 MIDTERM 2 Covers Lecture 11 through parsing in Lecture 21
Nov 22 Thanksgiving
Nov 24 Thanksgiving
25Nov 28 Intro to Lambda Calculus slides (PPT) (Full PDF) (Six Up PDF)
26Nov 30 Evaluation in the Lambda Calculus slides continued from Lecture 25
27Dec 5 Intro to Axiomatic Semantics slides (PPT) (Full PDF) (Six Up PDF)
28Dec 7 Intro to Axiomatic Semantics(cont) slides continued from Lecture 27
29Dec 12 Review
Dec 19 FINAL (8:00am - 11:00am) Cummulative, with more weight on the last third