ECE 313 Exams, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


ECE 313 Exams

Spring 2024

Midterm Exams on February 26 and April 8


The topics covered in the exams are exactly the ones listed in the course notes.
Exam 1 The exam is 75 minutes long. It's closed-book and closed-notes, no calculators. You will be allowed one 8.5"x11" sheet of notes. 
The notes must be handwritten with pencil or pen and cannot be printed or typed. Topics from prerequisites of the course are also fair for the exam.
Exam 2 The exam is 75 minutes long. It's closed-book and closed-notes, no calculators. You will be allowed one 8.5"x11" sheet of notes. The notes must be handwritten with pencil or pen and cannot be printed or typed. Topics from prerequisites of the course are also fair for the exam.


You can find copies of old midterm exams and final exams here Previous exams. The exams this semester will be similar in nature and cover the same topics as in recent semesters.


If you miss a midterm exam, the following procedures apply: To receive an excused absence, you must either arrange your absence in advance with your instructor (i.e., prior to the absence), or obtain a letter from the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students for a personal excuse due to personal illness, family emergencies, or other uncontrollable circumstances. Excuses such as not being ready for the exam and going to a concert are NOT accepted. E-mail the letter to your section instructor as soon as possible. Scores on midterms due to excused absences will not be made up. Your midterm score for an excused absence will be the weighted average of the other midterm score and final exam score. An unexcused absence from a midterm will be counted as a 0.


Regrades: We will use Gradescope to grade the exams and you will receive an email from Gradescope to log in and see your graded exam. If after looking at the posted solutions, you feel there was an inaccuracy in the grading of your exam, you can request a regrade within Gradescope itself. Do not submit a regrade asking for more partial credit because you did so much work or because you think something should be worth more/less than it does. Only regrades regarding inaccurate grading will be addressed. Regrades could be subjected to a regrading of the entire exam, not just those parts you indicate. Therefore, your grade could go up or down as appropriate. You will get an email from the instructors after the exams are graded indicating when you can start submitting regrades and when the deadline to submit the regrades is. Make sure you submit regrade requests by the deadline indicated in that email.



Final Exam Scheduling Information:

Note that the only valid reason for requesting a conflict exam is if it conflicts with another final exam that is either 1) not a combined final or 2) a combined final with enrollment less than ECE 313.
The exam is 3 hours long. It's closed-book and closed-notes, no calculators, but you will be allowed to bring TWO 8.5"x11" sheets of notes. You should write your name and netid on each sheet of notes, and we will collect them along with the exam.
The exam is comprehensive and will cover all lectures and all homeworks. Topics from prerequisites of the course are also fair for the exam. More emphasis will be given to materials not tested on the midterms. Homework 13 solutions will be released immediately after the due date so you can study them for the exam.