Topics in Graph Algorithms

CS598CCI, Spring 2020

Chandra Chekuri

Course Summary

Old and more recent topics in graph algorithms. Focus will be on connections to linear algebraic methods broadly interpreted including polyhedral techniques, matrix multiplication based algorithms, semi-definite programming, and spectral methods.

Instructor: Chandra Chekuri (3228 Siebel Center, chekuri at

Lecture schedule: Wed/Fri 9.30-10.45am, Siebel

Teaching assistants: None!

Office hours: Siebel 3rd floor theory lounge. Fri 1:00-2:00pm

Grading policy: Homework + Scribing + Project (details TBD)

Prerequisites: CS 473 or comparable understanding and facility with algorithms, probability, and linear algebra.

Links: PiazzaGradescope (enroll using code M35XW7)

Projects: Instructions and paper list (to be posted later)


Lecture Schedule

Latex template for scribing notes.

References and study material

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