Lecture Schedule

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Lecture videos are available to students enrolled in the class at Echo360
Readings are based on the 5th edition of Distributed Systems: Concept and Design by Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, and Blair. A copy is on reserve at the Grainger Engineering Library.
# Topic Readings Slides Date
1 Introduction §1 Introduction 2021-08-24
2 Failure Detection §2.4 (except 2.4.3) and §15.1 Failure Detection I 2021-08-26
3 Continue Failure Detection, start Clocks and Timestamps §14.1-14.3 Failure Detection II Timestamps (start) 2021-08-31
4 Clocks and Timestamps §14.1-14.4 Timestamps 2021-09-02
5 Global States §14.5 Global States 2021-09-07
6 Finish global states, start Multicast §14.5, §15.4 Multicast 2021-09-09
7 Multicast §15.4 Multicast 2021-09-14
8 Multicast §15.4 Multicast 2021-09-16
9 Mutual Exclusion §15.2 Mutex 2021-09-21
10 finish Mutual Exclusion §15.2 2021-09-23
11 Leader Election §15.3 Leader Election 2021-09-28
12 Optional Exam Review 2021-09-30
13 Leader election, start Consensus §15.4 Consensus 2021-10-05
14 Impossibility of Asynchronous Consensus §15.4, FLP paper 2021-10-07
15 Paxos Paxos 2021-10-12
16 Raft Consensus Raft; Raft Tutorial; Raft Paper Raft 2021-10-19
17 Bitcoin / Nakamoto Consensus Bitcoin paper Bitcoin 2021-10-23
18 Distributed Hash Tables §10.4–10.5; Chord paper Distributed Hash Tables 2021-11-04
19 Transactions and Concurrency: ACID Semantics, Isolation, Serial Equivalence §16 Transactions 1 2021-11-09
20 Transactions and Concurrency: Two-phase locking, Deadlocks §16 Transactions 2 2021-11-11
21 No lecture 2021-11-16
22 Timestamped Concurrency, Two-phase Commit §16, §17 Optimistic Concurrency, 2PC 2021-11-18
23 MapReduce Mapreduce Paper MapReduce 2021-11-30
24 Distributed Data Stores 2021-12-02
25 Final Exam Review 2021-12-07