IE 521 (Convex Optimization) - Fall 2023 - Schedule
Course schedule
Course notes can be downloaded here:
Dong, 'IE 521’. This is a work-in-progress so please expect to re-download this file a few times throughout the semester. In the readings, it will be listed as IE 521.
Dong, 'How to math’. This is a helper document which outlines some of the 'rules’ of mathematical reasoning which is needed for HW1.
Other readings will be taken from these textbooks:
BV: Boyd and Vandenberghe, 'Convex Optimization’.
Bertsekas, Nedich, and Ozdaglar, 'Convex Analysis and Optimization’.
Ben-Tal and Nemirovski, 'Lectures on Optimization III: Convex Analysis, Nonlinear Programming Theory, Nonlinear Programming Algorithms’.
Ben-Tal and Nemirovski, 'Lectures on Modern Convex Optimization: analysis, algorithms, and engineering applications’.
Nesterov, 'Lectures on Convex Optimization’.
Hiriant-Urruty and Lemarechal, 'Fundamentals of Convex Analysis’.
R: Rockafellar, 'Convex Analysis’.
Bauschke and Combettes, 'Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces’
These books are not strictly about convex optimization but have certain sections that I think are a great resource:
Date | Topics covered | Related readings |
Week 1 | | |
Lecture 1 | Course overview, introduction to optimization | Course syllabus, IE 521 Sect. 2-3, How to math document, BV Ch. 1 |
Lecture 2 [PDF] | Review of set theory, real analysis, and linear algebra | IE 521 Sect. 4-6, L Appendix A |
Week 2 | | |
Lecture 3 [PDF] | Review of optimization, convex sets | IE 521 Sect. 7-8, BV Ch. 2.1-2.4 |
Lecture 4 [PDF] | Convex functions | IE 521 Sect. 9, BV Ch. 2.5 |
Week 3 | | |
| No class due to Labor Day | |
Lecture 5 [PDF] | Separating and supporting hyperplanes, convex conjugates | BV Ch. 3.1-3.3, R Sect. 11-12 |
Week 4 | | |
Lecture 6 [PDF] | Separating hyperplane theorem | |
Lecture 7 [PDF] | Cutting planes methods, tropical semirings | Boyd and Vandenberghe's cutting planes notes, My notes on Fenchel and Fourier duality (optional) |
Week 5 | | |
Lecture 8 [PDF] | Fenchel inequality, proximal mappings | R Sect. 13, 23 |
Lecture 9 [PDF] | Fenchel duality | R Sect. 31 |
Week 6 | | |
Lecture 10 [PDF] | Standard form optimization, examples of convex problems and applications | BV Ch. 6-8 |
Lecture 11 [PDF] | Fenchel duality theorem, Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Moreau envelope, gradient descent | BV Ch. 9, Karimi, Nutini, Schmidt 2016, Wilson's Optimization crash course: (pt. 1) (pt. 2 (optional)) |
Week 7 | | |
Lecture 12 [PDF] | Gradient descent (continued), PL inequality, Newton's method, interior point methods, Convergence proofs | BV Ch. 11 |
Lecture 13 [PDF] | Lagrangian duality | BV Ch. 5 |
Week 8 | | |
Lecture 14 [PDF] | Constraint qualification, Slater's condition | |
Lecture 15 [PDF] | Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions | |
Week 9 | | |
Lecture 16 [PDF] | Convex bifunctions, adjoint bifunctions | R Sect. 29-30 |
Lecture 17 [PDF] | Convex bifunctions, adjoint bifunctions (cont.) | |
Week 10 | | |
Lecture 18 [PDF] | Dual ascent, envelope theorem, dual decomposition, augmented Lagrangian, method of multipliers | Boyd, Parikh, Chu, Peleato, Eckstein, 'Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers’ |
Lecture 19 [PDF] | Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) | |
Week 11 | | |
Lecture 20 | Bregman divergences, mirror descent | Orabona, 'A Modern Introduction to Online Learning’ Ch. 6, Bubeck, 'Introduction to Online Optimization’, Ch. 5 (optional), (my messy lecture notes) |
Lecture 21 | Bregman divergences, mirror descent (cont.) | |
Week 12 | | |
Lecture 22 | Dual spaces | (my messy lecture notes) |
Lecture 23 | Optimal transport | Villani, 'Topics in Optimal Transportation’, Ch. 1.1, 2.1, (my messy lecture notes) |
Week 13 | | |
Lecture 24 | Optimal transport (continued) | |
| Midterm exam | |
Week 14 | | |
| Thanksgiving break | |
| Thanksgiving break | |
Week 15 | | |
Lecture 25 | Closing remarks | |
| Final presentations | |
Week 16 | | |
| Final presentations | |
| Final presentations |
Please see Gradescope for due dates.
Homework 0
Homework 1 (TeX source)
Homework 2 (TeX source)
Homework 3 (Jupyter Notebook) (.ipynb file)
Homework 4 (TeX source)
Homework 5 (Jupyter Notebook) (.ipynb file)
Homework 6 (TeX source)
Homework 7 (TeX source)
Homework 8 (Jupyter Notebook) (.ipynb file)
Data for HW 8: mnist_train.csv mnist_test.csv
Homework 1 Solutions
Homework 2 Solutions
Homework 3 Solutions
Homework 4 Solutions
Homework 5 Solutions
Homework 6 Solutions
Homework 7 Solutions
Homework 8 Solutions
Midterm Exam
The midterm exam will take place in-class on Wednesday, November 15th. It will cover all material prior to the exam date.
Final Project Presentations
As mentioned in the syllabus, you are expected to give a 10-minute presentation. Final project presentations will take place the last 2-3 days of the semester, depending on the steady-state enrollment. Also as mentioned in the syllabus: you are expected to attend the presentations of your peers.
Final Reports
Final reports will be due Friday, December 15th at 5pm CT.