ECE 515/ME 540: Control System Theory and Design (Fall 2024)

Bruce Hajek (b-hajek at illinois dot edu)
Teaching Assistants
Samhita Marri & Yueyi Shen

Homework, exams, and policies
Homework & exams
Class policies
Academic integrity policies


August 14

About this course

What is this?
Control System Theory and Design is a fundamental first-year graduate course on the modern theory of dynamical systems and control. It builds on an introductory undergraduate course in control (such as ECE 486) and emphasizes state-space techniques for the analysis of dynamical systems and the synthesis of control laws meeting given design specifications. Some familiarity with linear algebra, as well as ordinary differential equations, is strongly recommended, although the necessary material will be reviewed in the context of the course.
We will primarily follow these course notes:
Additional reference materials include:
There will be regular problem sets, two midterm exams, and a final exam.

Regular weekly schedule

Tue Thu 2:00-3:20 pm, 3017 ECEB
Office hours:
Instructor Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 pm, Room 3036 ECEB.
TAs Tuesdays 5:00-6:30 pm, Room 3036 ECEB
Homework (30%)
Due Wednesdays by 11:59pm Central Time. No late homeworks accepted. Lowest homework score is dropped. submission instructions.
Homeworks are released at least one week before the due date.

Exam dates and times