Lecture Week 6: Scheduling Finale

Course Meetup: Tuesday, Mar. 2

The next course meetup at on Tuesday, Mar. 2 at 2:00pm on Zoom. We will use the same Zoom link for all course meetups (you can find it in Compass 2g as the announcement for this course).

Special Session - MP2 Introduction on Thursday, Mar. 4

Instead of our normal office hours on Thursday, the TAs will be holding an MP2 introduction session at 2:00pm on Thursday, Mar. 4.

Lecture Topics and Videos

This week is the first of two weeks that we’ll focus on concurrency and synchronization. The topics come from both lecture videos and reading from the course textbook:

  1. Lecture Video - Scheduling - MFQ
  2. Reading - Scheduling, Proportional Share (Ch. 9)
  3. Lecture Video - History of Scheduling in Linux
  4. Lecture Video - Completely Fair Scheduler (Linux)
  5. Reading - Multiprocessor Scheduling (Advanced) (Ch. 10)
  6. Meetup Recording from Tuesday's Meetup - Zoom Recording
  7. MP2 TA Overview Session from Thursday's Meetup - Slides and Zoom Recording

Additionally, here’s a PDF of all the lecture slides presented in the videos this week.



Reading Selection from Systems Research (Required for 4CR only)

If you are enrolled in the 4CR version of this course, you will review two papers each week and choose one to summarize in depth. See the course syllabus for details. Note: You may need to be on the campus VPN to get access to the paper from the ACM.

  1. “Transactional memory: architectural support for lock-free data structures” by Maurice Herlihy and Eliot B Moss; published in ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News (1993).

  2. “The Linux scheduler: a decade of wasted cores” by Jean-Pierre Lozi, Baptiste Lepers, Justin R Funston, Fabien Gaud, Vivien Quéma, and Alexandra (Sasha) Fedorova; published in EuroSys ‘16: Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems (2016).

Your summary is due on Compass 2g by 11:59pm on Monday, Mar. 8.