This page represents a best-effort prediction of course topics and pacing. As this is my first time teaching UIUC students and my first time teaching this particular flavor of computer graphics, it is likely I’ll update the pacing (and possibly order) of topics several times.

Materials presented in class (such as code samples, Q&A text, and illustrative sketches) will be posted here after class. Links to recordings of lectures will also be posted here once those recordings are processed by the media library and ready for viewing.

View as or ; ; readings can be or as a whole, or clicked on individually to toggle visibility.

24 Aug
welcome and overview of real-time video.webm and audio.mp3 and overview of real-time and qa.txt and slides.pdf
26 Aug
graphics apis and rasters video.webm and audio.mp3 and graphics apis and dots or squares and in-class activity and slides.pdf
2 Sep
Add deadline
projection and compositing video.webm and audio.mp3 and Fixed functionality §2 and slides.pdf
20 Sep
27 Sep
30 Sep
5 Oct
assembling a 3D scene video.webm and audio.mp3 and starter file and matrix code and matrices.js and inclass.html and slides.pdf
11 Oct
12 Oct
14 Oct
Drop deadline
keyframes and skinning and quaternions video.webm and audio.mp3 and keyframes, bones, and skinning and skinning example and Quaternions and ex11-skin.html and ex10-interplation.html and matrices.js and slides.pdf
19 Oct
in-class examples video.webm and audio.mp3 and blank.html and cs418helpers.js and cone.html and slides.pdf
21 Oct
in-class examples video.webm and audio.mp3 and blank.html and cs418helpers.js and tentacle.html and slides.pdf
25 Oct
26 Oct
2 Nov
raytracing 1 video.webm and raytracing and slides.pdf
4 Nov
15 Nov
16 Nov
30 Nov
Eulerian methods video.webm and audio.mp3 and Grid fluids and slides.pdf
2 Dec
off-topic discussions only, not recorded
7 Dec
13 Dec
Final Exam

To subscribe to the above calendar, add to your calender application of choice.

The official information about finals can be found at and states our final will be in-person in our usual classroom on 13 December from 13:30 to 16:30

Update 2022-12-02 I’ve learned that the scheduler moved our final’s time and place. It will now be 7pm Tuesday 13 December in 144 Loomis.