The practice exam is available here. We will post solutions at a later date.
Homework 3 solutions are now available.
Homework 2 solutions are now available.
The project report is due on Dec 8, 2021 by 11:59 pm CT. Email a copy to, also CC Submissions should be in pdf form, and 6 pages plus references for 1 person projects, and 8 pages plus references for 2 person projects. Reports should be formatted in LNCS style (please refer the LNCS website for style files).
Homework 3 is up, and due by Wed, 3rd Nov, 11:59 pm CST.
Homework 2 pdf has been re-posted with a few clarifications.
Homework 1 solutions are now available.
Homework 2 is up on Gradescope, and due by 13th Oct, 11:59 pm CST.
Project summary is due by September 24th, 11:59 pm CST. Details are on slack and piazza. Submissions to be done on Gradescope.
Homework 1 is up on Gradescope, and due by 22nd Sep, 11:59 pm CST.
A rough timeline of all the dates when homeworks will be posted and are due is now available on the administrivia page.
A rough timeline of all course project related discussions/submissions is posted on the administrivia page. Here is a list of suggested topics for the same (also posted above).
Homework 0 is for self-study and not for submission/grading. We encourage you to go through the problems as a warm up for this course. Feel free to discuss it in the office hours.
Course webpages are borrowed (with permission) from Jeff Erickson's Fall 2010 version of CS 573 and Spring 2016 version of CS 473.