CS 374al1 Fall 24
cs374fa24: Midterm I Info:
  1. 9/30/24 7:00PM - 9:00PM 1CIF 0027/1025

Conflict exam

You need permission to take the conflict exam - ask for it by submitting a *private* message on EdStem titled "Conflict for Midterm 1". You need to provide a reasonable reason why you need the conflict exam - permission is not automatic.

Place/time: DCL 1310, 10/2/24, Wednesday, 7-9:30pm.

Material to prepare for the exam

  1. Cover page
  2. Skillset: Details list of things you should know/be able to do for the midterm.
  3. Fodder: Big collection of problems for review as preparation for the midterm.
  4. Previous semesters midterms:
    1. Spring 2019: here.
    2. Fail 2017: v1 [sol], v2, v3, v4.
    3. Fall 2016: version B : version C.
    4. Fall 2014: here.

Last modified: Mon 2024-09-30 14:49:39 UTC 2024 by Sariel Har-Peled