For the first half of CS 105, the primary focus of the course is JavaScript.
JavaScript is one of the world's most used programming languages, so what we
are doing here isn't something we just made up. Because it is so popular,
there is A TON of stuff about JavaScript all over the web for free
to help you learn, in addition to all the stuff we provide as part of CS 105.
Beyond the links below: if there is something specific you want to understand
more, a quick Google search will often yield great results.
Since all content outside of CS 105 covers JavaScript in its own way, you may
see more or less depth in the JavaScript language than we require you to know
in CS 105. Learning more than what is required always helps you make
more sense of what you already know -- so it is not a bad thing! However,
for reference, here are the main topics we DO cover in CS 105:
- Variables
- Conditionals (Booleans)
- Loops (for-loops only, not while-loops and not forEach)
- Functions
- Strings
- Numbers
- Arrays
- Objects (as a data structure, not Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and not Prototype-based)
Learn JavaScript on codecademy
- CS 105 uses some of this content in our weekly activities, so this content you may have seen before
- Overall, very high quality and one of the best places to learn JavaScript online
- Learn to program by playing a game!
- Great way to type a lot of code, get lots of practice, and generally covers about the same stuff as CS 105
JavaScript on MDN
The authoritative source on all things JavaScript.
This website/content is built by the people who built JavaScript, so they
know what they're talking about and go into every single detail of the JavaScript
codecademy JavaScript Glossary
Quick overview of basic JavaScript. Includes a few things we don't cover in CS 105, but
covers everything we do cover.
JavaScript Tutorials on
One of several basic tutorials giving another explanation of JavaScript topics
JavaScript Tutorials on
One of several basic tutorials giving another explanation of JavaScript topics
JavaScript Tutorials on
One of several basic tutorials giving another explanation of JavaScript topics