TAM 212: Dynamics

Week Day Date Lecture Discussion Assignment Due Dates Quiz
1 M Aug 26 Lecture 1

Discussion Policy

Welcome Icebreaker

Python Tutorial with Sympy and Vectors (Prairelearn) 

T Aug 27      
W Aug 28 Lecture 2    
R Aug 29      
F Aug 30 Lecture 3    
S Aug 31        
U Sep 01    
2 M Sep 02

Labor Day

(No Lecture)

Worksheet 1: Great Circle Navigation

T Sep 03      
W Sep 04 Lecture 4    
R Sep 05      
F Sep 06 Lecture 5    
S Sep 07        
U Sep 08    
3 M Sep 09 Lecture 6

Worksheet 2: Orbit of the Moon

HW 1A: Coordinates and Vectors  
T Sep 10      
W Sep 11 Lecture 7    
R Sep 12      
F Sep 13 (No Lecture)    
S Sep 14        
U Sep 15    
4 M Sep 16 Lecture 8

Worksheet 3: Track Design

HW 1B: Coordinates and Vectors  
T Sep 17     Quiz 1
W Sep 18 Lecture 9  
R Sep 19    
F Sep 20 Lecture 10    
S Sep 21        
U Sep 22    
5 M Sep 23 (No Lecture)

Worksheet 4: Roller Coaster Loops

HW 2A: Vector Calculus and Rotations  
T Sep 24    

Quiz 1


W Sep 25 Lecture 11  
R Sep 26    
F Sep 27 Lecture 12    
S Sep 28        
U Sep 29    
6 M Sep 30

Lecture 13

Worksheet 5: Air Resistance (Numerical Integration)

HW 2B: Vector Calculus and Rotations  
T Oct 01     Quiz 2
W Oct 02 Lecture 14  
R Oct 03    
F Oct 04 Lecture 15    
S Oct 05        
U Oct 06    
7 M Oct 07 Lecture 16

Worksheet 6: Car Backflip

HW 3A: Tangential Normal and Particles  
T Oct 08    

Quiz 2


W Oct 09 Lecture 17  
R Oct 10    
F Oct 11 Lecture 18    
S Oct 12        
U Oct 13    
8 M Oct 14 Lecture 19

Worksheet 7: Car Steering

HW 3B: Tangential Normal and Particles  
T Oct 15     Quiz 3
W Oct 16 Lecture 20  
R Oct 17    
F Oct 18 Lecture 21    
S Oct 19        
U Oct 20    
9 M Oct 21 Lecture 22

Worksheet 8: Bike Gears

HW 4A: Rigid Body Kinematics  
T Oct 22    

Quiz 3


W Oct 23 Lecture 23  
R Oct 24    
F Oct 25 Lecture 24    
S Oct 26        
U Oct 27    
10 M Oct 28 Lecture 25

Worksheet 9: Cornering and Banked Turns

HW 4B: Rigid Body Kinematics  
T Oct 29     Quiz 4
W Oct 30 Lecture 26  
R Oct 31    
F Nov 01 Lecture 27    
S Nov 02        
U Nov 03    
11 M Nov 04 Lecture 28

Worksheet 10: Braking and Acceleration

HW 5A  
T Nov 05    

Quiz 4


W Nov 06 Lecture 29  
R Nov 07    
F Nov 08 Lecture 30    
S Nov 09        
U Nov 10    
12 M Nov 11 Lecture 31

Worksheet 11: Centripetal Acceleration and Weight

HW 5B  
T Nov 12     Quiz 5
W Nov 13 Lecture 32  
R Nov 14    
F Nov 15 Lecture 33    
S Nov 16        
U Nov 17    
13 M Nov 18 Lecture 34

(No Discussion)

HW 6A  
T Nov 19    

Quiz 5


W Nov 20 Lecture 35  
R Nov 21    
F Nov 22 (No Lecture)    
S Nov 23        
U Nov 24    
14 M Nov 25 Thanksgiving


T Nov 26    
W Nov 27  
R Nov 28  
F Nov 29    
S Nov 30        
U Dec 01    
15 M Dec 02 Lecture 36

(No Discussion)

HW 6B  
T Dec 03     Quiz 6
W Dec 04 Lecture 37  
R Dec 05    
F Dec 06 Lecture 38  
S Dec 07        
U Dec 08    
16 M Dec 09 Lecture 39

(No Discussion)

HW 7  
T Dec 10    

Quiz 6


W Dec 11

Lecture 40

Last Day of Office Hours

R Dec 12 Reading day

Last Day to Dispute Grades

F Dec 13 Final Exam  




S Dec 14    
U Dec 15  
17 M Dec 16    
T Dec 17    
W Dec 18    
R Dec 19    
F Dec 20    
S Dec 21        
U Dec 22