TAM 210/11: Statics

General Info

Grades Formal Assessment Contact Info
Course description TAM 2XX Policies Discussions Office hours
Big idea Grading Online forum
Prerequisites   Exam  
Reference text      
Equity & Diversity      


Website: The official class website is http://courses.engr.illinois.edu/tam210/

Description: In this course, we will cover fundamental concepts that are used in every engineering discipline. We will begin with forces, moments and move towards structural analyses of frames, devices, and machines.  By the end, you will be able to solve rigid body mechanics problems that will inform the design of everything from bridges to biomedical devices.  

Big Idea: Clear knowledge of external forces (boundary conditions) is required to determine what constraints are necessary for the safe (static equilibrium) development and design of any widget. Free body diagrams are an essential tool for understanding the forces and moments on a body.

Prerequisites: Required: PHYS 211; credit or concurrant registration in MATH 241. Preferred: CS 101 or experience programming in python.

Reference texts:

  • Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive by Daniel Baker and William Haynes 
    • A free, open-source textbook
  • Also vailable on reserve at Grainger
    • Hibbeler, R.C.; Engineering Mechanics: Statics
    • Beer, Ferdinand P.;   Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
    • Nelson, E.W. [et al.];   Engineering Mechanics: Statics
    • Nelson, E. W.; Schaum’s Outlines Statics, 6th Edition [online electronic resource] (Great study guide resource with many worked examples)

Equity and diversity:

This is an equal opportunity classroom environment. We value the diversity represented by the participants in this course. Our diversity is a primary source of ideas and perspectives. As you work through the course, practice using this diversity to your advantage.

TAM 2XX Policies: 

General TAM 2XX course policies may be found at: http://mechref.engr.illinois.edu/pol/policies.html

Grading: All assessment scores are stored on Canvas. The total score for the course is computed with the following weights:

In-class polls 5% Homework 15%
Discussion group activity 10%


Cumulative exam 30%    

Retake quizzes: Optional retake quizzes are available in the week following each first-chance quiz. If you choose to take the retake quiz, the quiz score will be 90% of the higher scores + 10% of the lower score (0.9*max(first_chance_score, retake_score)+0.1*min(first_chance_score, retake_score)). If you do not take the first-chance-quiz, then your score will be 90% of the retake score.

Discussion sectionsThe discussion section schedule is listed below, and all sections are held at LUMEB 0023.


  Monday Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday Friday

TA: Alisina
CA: Eungi, Ennis







TA: Alisina
CA: Eben, Eungi






TA: Skyler
CA: Eben, Soham




TA: Skyler 
CA: Soham, 





TA: Skyler
CA: Rishi, 

TA: Jenna
CA: Soham,




TA: Jenna
CA: Ennis




TA: Boqiang
CA: Jiya, 




TA: Boqiang
CA: Rishi, 






TA: Boqiang
CA: Jiya




A cumulative exam will be held for all students (TAM 210 and 211 students) during week 12 after the completion of TAM 210 lecture materials. There will be no additional cumulative exam for TAM 211 students at the end of the semester; they will take additional quizzes only for the remaining topics.

Office hours:

Daily office hours are held according to the schedule below. Office hours begin Week 2.
Locations are: LUMEB 1043 (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays), LUMEB 2058 (Wednesdays). 

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

TA: Jenna
CA: Ennis

TA: Skyler
CA: Jiya

TA: Skyler
CA: Eungi,

TA: Boqiang
CA: Rishi,

TA: Jenna
CA: Soham


TA: Alisina
CA: Ennis

TA: Alisina
CA: Jiya

TA: Boqiang
CA: Eungi,

TA: Boqiang
CA: Rishi,

TA: Jenna
CA: Soham

Virtual office hours on Sundays hosted by Ennis: from 6-7:30 pm via Zoom (Meeting ID: 883 9527 4127, Password: TAM)
Zoom link) https://illinois.zoom.us/j/88395274127?pwd=MzBOV1p3NlVyUk1vdHRJUzd4NllkQT09

Quiz Review Schedule:

Quiz review sessions are 25 minutes per each session when scheduled from 3-5 pm on Monday to Tuesday of the week followin the first-try quizzes. It will be held at DCL L520. Best to come with targeted, specific questions about problems you did not understand how to solve. No regrading or other grade modification will be considered. 

  Monday Tuesday
3-3:30pm Jenna Skyler
3:30-4pm Jenna Boqiang
4-4:30pm Jenna Boqiang
4:30-5pm Skyler Boqiang

Online forum (Campuswire):

TAs and CAs are scheduled to be checking Campuswire on the following days:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
TA Alisina Jenna Jenna Skyler Skyler Boqiang Boqiang
CA Patrick Rishi Soham Jiya Ennis Rishi Eben

The use of Campuswire should not replace the office hours time, since some questions cannot be fully addressed via an online forum.