ECE 498NSU/598NSG: Deep Learning in Hardware


  • 2019/10/29 Homework-4 Assigned


  • 10% of your grade will be based on scribing lectures. Each student will scribe three lectures over the course of the semester. A signup sheet is provided below. Please sign up by writing your name in an empty scribe field. You should sign up as soon as you can to avoid running out of options by the end of the semester. Every week, we will provide the topics of the upcoming lectures which may help you decide whether you would like to scribe or not. Each lecture cannot be scribed by more than 6 students. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they are able to finalize three scribed lectures by the end of the semester. The deadline to submit your scribed lectures is exactly one week after the lecture date. Submission is via email to one of the two TAs.

  • Please use the following Google Sheet to sign up for Scribing [link]