ECE 453
Wireless Communication Systems
Description: |
Design of a radio system for transmission of information; types of receivers, matching techniques, receiver and antenna noise, types of modulation, high-frequency circuitry, and point-to-point and satellite communications.
Credit: |
4 hours
Home Page: |
Goals: |
The purpose of this course is to teach senior students in electrical engineering the basic principles of radio-frequency circuit design and to illustrate how such circuits are used in communication systems.
Topics: |
Computer Usage: |
CAD Software (HP Microwave and RF design systems) is used in the laboratory.
Lab Equipment: |
vector impedance meter, spectrum analyzer, network analyzer, frequency synthesizers.
Course Prerequisites: |
credit or concurrent registration in ECE 442; ECE 329
Topical Prerequisites: |
Texts: |
Class notes.
Category content as
estimated by faculty member who prepared this course description: |