
Exams will be closed-book. You will be permitted one sheet of 8.5x11 paper, with notes on both sides, handwritten or in a font size comparable to handwriting. Calculators, computers, and collaboration are not allowed.

Exams will be taken in person. We will check ID when you hand in your exam, so bring your ID with you.

If you have a conflict, please send e-mail to cs440_ece448_conflict_exam_scheduling@lists.illinois.edu describing the reason for your conflict. A TA will contact you exactly seven days prior to the exam, in order to schedule the conflict exam. Conflict exam requests submitted fewer than seven days before the exam may not be honored.

Exam 1

Exam 1 will be held in class on Monday, February 20. Here are the exam, its solutions, the conflict exam, and its solutions:

Here are some past exams:

Exam 2

Exam 2 was held in class on Monday, April 3. Here are the exam, its

solutions, the conflict exam, and its solutions:

Here are some past exams:

Final Exam

The final exam will be Tuesday, May 9, 8:00-11:00am.

You will be permitted three sheets of 8.5x11 paper, with notes on both sides, handwritten or in a font size comparable to handwriting.

Here are the exam solutions:

Here is the exam title page:

Here are some past exams: