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CS440/ECE448 Spring 2022Assignment 2: Perceptron and Neural NetsDue date: Monday Feb 14th, 11:59pm |
image from Wikipedia
The goal of this assignment is to employ a single perceptron and its nonlinear extension (known as neural networks) to detect whether or not images contain animals.
In the first part, you will create a single perceptron, while in the second part, you will improve it by using its non-linear extension in the form of shallow neural network.
For the part 1 (perceptron) : You may use NumPy to program your solution. Aside from that library, no other outside non-standard libraries can be used.
For part 2 (neural nets) : You will be using the PyTorch and NumPy libraries to implement neural net. The PyTorch library will do most of the heavy lifting for you, but it is still up to you to implement the right high-level instructions to train the model.
The dataset consists of 10000 32x32 colored images (a subset of the CIFAR-10 dataset, provided by Alex Krizhevsky), split for you into 7500 training examples (of which 2999 are negative and 4501 are positive) and 2500 development examples.
The data set is included within the coding template available here: mp2-template.zip . When you uncompress this you'll find a binary object that our reader code will unpack for you.
Use only the training set to learn the weights.
To make things more precise, in lecture you learned of a function fw(x)=∑ni=1wixi+b. In this assignment, given weight matrices W1,W2 with W1∈Rh×d, W2∈Rh×2 and bias vectors b1∈Rh and b2∈R2, you will learn a function FW defined as FW(x)=W2σ(W1x+b1)+b2 where σ is your activation function. In part 2, you should use either of the sigmoid or ReLU activation functions. You will use 32 hidden units (h=32) and 3072 input units, one for each channel of each pixel in an image (d=(32)2(3)=3072).
Notice that because PyTorch's CrossEntropyLoss incorporates a sigmoid function, you do not need to explicitly include an activation function in the last layer of your network.
With the aforementioned model design and tips, you should expect around 0.84 dev-set accuracy.
We have provided a template (zip) that contains all the code and the data to get you started on your MP, which means you will only have to implement the Numpy perceptron in perceptron.py, and PyTorch neural net in neuralnet.py. Please make use of mp2_part1.py and mp2_part2.py to run the models you've implemented. These would also provide you a feedback on the performance of your models to help you rectify any issues before you submit the final version to the gradescope autograder.
is where you will need to construct the network architecture. There are multiple ways to do this.
and Sequential
objects. Keep in mind that Linear
uses a Kaiming He uniform initialization to initialize the weight matrices and sets the bias terms to all zeros.Tensor
s. This approach is more hands on and will allow you to choose your own initialization. For this assignment, however, Kaiming He uniform initialization should suffice and should be a good choice.get_parameters()
should do what its name suggests--namely, return a list of parameters used in the model. set_parameters()
should do what its name suggests--namely, set the parameters of the model based on those input to this method. For consistency's sake, the order of the parameters should be the same as those returned in get_parameters()
. forward()
should perform a forward pass through your network. This means it should explicitly evaluate FW(x) . This can be done by simply calling your Sequential
object defined in __init__()
or (if you opted to define tensors explicitly) by multiplying through the weight matrices with your data.step()
should perform one iteration of training. This means it should perform one gradient update through one batch of training data (not the entire set of training data). You can do this by either calling loss_fn(yhat,y).backward()
then updating the weights directly yourself, or you can use an optimizer object that you may have initialized in __init__()
to help you update the network. Be sure to call zero_grad()
on your optimizer in order to clear the gradient buffer. When you return the loss_value from this function, make sure you return loss_value.item()
(which works if it is just a single number) or loss_value.detach().cpu().numpy()
(which separates the loss value from the computations that led up to it, moves it to the CPU—important if you decide to work locally on a GPU, bearing in mind that Gradescope won't be configured with a GPU—and then converts it to a NumPy array). This allows proper garbage collection to take place (lest your program possibly exceed the memory limits fixed on Gradescope).fit()
takes as input the training data, training labels, development set, and the maximum number of iterations. The training data provided is the output from reader.py. The training labels is a Tensor
consisting of labels corresponding to each image in the training data. The development set is the Tensor
of images that you are going to test your implementation on. The maximium number of iterations is the number you specified with --max_iter (it is 500 by default). fit()
outputs the predicted labels. It should construct a NeuralNet
object, and iteratively call the neural net's step()
to train the network. This should be done by feeding in batches of data determined by batch size. You will use a batch size of 100 for this assignment. max_iter is the number of batches (not the number of epochs!) in your training process.The only files you will need to modify are perceptron.py and neuralnet.py.
To learn more about how to run the MP, run python3 mp2_part1.py -h and python3 mp2_part2.py -h in your terminal.
You should definitely use the PyTorch documentation, linked multiple times on this page, to help you with implementation details. You can also use this PyTorch Tutorial as a reference to help you with your implementation. There are also other guides out there such as this one.
Please do not zip these two files together, but rather upload them separately. Please refer to this guide if you need help.
You can download the CIFAR-100 data here and extract it to the same place where you've placed the data for the main MP. A custom reader for it is provided here; to use it with the CIFAR-100 data, you should rename this to reader.py and replace the existing file of that name in your working directory.
Define two global variables class1 and class2 at the top level of the file neuralnet.py (that is, outside of the NeuralNet class). Set the values of these variables to integers, in order to choose the two classes that you want to classify for extra credit. The order of the superclasses listed on the CIFAR description page hints at the index for each superclass; for example, "aquatic mammals" is 0 and "vehicles 2" is 19.
The points for the extra credit are distributed as follows: