Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, jhasegaw. The URL for office hours is posted on piazza. Days and times are: Fridays, 5-6pm.
Teaching Assistants
- Abhishek Chakladar, ac69
- Guannan Guo, gguo4
- Yangge Li, li213
- Kelvin Ma, kelvinm2
- Mahir Morshed, mmorshe2
- Kiran Ramnath, kiranr2
- Ayush Sarkar, ayushs2
- Ruicheng Xian, rxian2
Office Hours
The professor has office hours Fridays 5-6pm at the "Professor's Office Hours" URL from piazza. In addition, both the TAs and the professor have office hours at the "TA Office Hours" link, at the times shown below:
- Monday 5/3 Abhishek, 5-6pm
- Tuesday 5/4 Ruicheng, 10-11am
- Wednesday 5/5 Guannan 10-11am
- Thursday 5/6 Yangge, 4-5pm