Fall 2024 350-on-GDrive 350-on-Campuswire Class policies Zoom Recordings @IMS

ECE 350: Fields and Waves II


Section Time Room Instructor Office Hours Office
D MWF Noon Zoom - maxwell Erhan Kudeki erhan@illinois.edu Mon 5 PM Gather Room Jamboard


Teaching Assistants: Lin Le - linle2@illinois.edu - Office Hours: Tue 2:00 PM-4:00 PM at Zoom: 5027770188

Syllabus: Specified in Course Calendar


Supplementary Course Material: ECE 350 Lecture Notes (~Textbook) Fundamentals of Electromagnetics - N. N. Rao, 2009 Electromagnetics and Applications - D. H. Staelin, 2011 ECE 329 Lecture Notes (~Textbook) Fall 15 Lecture Videos list of vector identities NRL Plasma Formulary Direction cosines Special Relativity for ECE Students EMORS Area Smith Chart Smith Chart Tool AARL Smith Chart Supp PP waveguide animation echo360 lecture videos


Homework: HW will be assigned on this web page below (and also in 350-on-Gradescope ) and the solutions will be posted below after the due date. Completed HW should be returned to 350-on-Gradescope electronically by 11 PM on the due dates. Please watch this "how to submit" video before submitting your first HW into Gradescope as a pdf file and make sure to always match your pdf pages to HW question numbers as shown in the video. For electronic submissions you will be expected to scan your HW pages using your smart phones --- use Google Drive app on Android phones or the Notes app on iPhones to generate multi page pdfs --- or else generate pdf's directly if you solve your HW on a tablet. Only upload single pdf files to Gradescope and do not use any other file format (e.g., png, jpeg, etc). Also use the same scanning procedure when you upload your exam solutions to Gradescope in ExamScheduler --- see below.

Homework 1 soln Homework 2 soln Homework 3 soln Homework 4 soln Homework 5 soln

HW will be graded with 10 pts per HW problem. HW will also contain slightly more challenging "bonus problems" which are not required but earn you 5 points per part to "fill in'' possible "missing points'' in your total HW score at the end of the semester.

Some of the homework assignments will include problems to be solved using "partially completed" Mathematica notebooks to be provided to you. This feature of the course complements ECE 329 Mathematica sections which were first introduced in Fall 2015. No prior experience with Mathematica will be required to complete these Mathematica based ECE 350 assignments since partially completed notebooks to be provided will include syntax patterns that will be easy to learn and modify in order to complete the assignments. The objective of these exercises will be to gain a better insight about EM phenomena by taking advantage of graphics and display capabilities of Mathematica. As a by product you will gain a useful knowledge of Mathematica and what it can do for you in solving your engineering problems. Watching the following videos prior to starting your first Mathematica assignment will be very useful: Notebooks Methods to Get Started Basic Calculations Basic Graphics Making Interactive Models

All engineering students can download Wolfram Mathematica from Webstore and install it on their laptops. Mathematica is also available on EWS machines that can be found at multiple locations in engineering buildings.

Exams: Three midsemester exams and the final exam are scheduled as follows:

Exam I: Mon, Sep 30, 2024 - Fall09 Exam 1 soln Sp10 Exam 1 soln Fall10 Exam 1 soln Sp11 Exam 1 soln Sum11 Exam 1 soln Fall11 Exam 1 soln Sp12 Exam 1 soln Fall12 Exam 1 soln Sp13 Exam 1 soln Fall13 Exam 1 soln Sp14 Exam 1 soln Fall14 Exam 1 solnSp15 Exam 1 solnFall15 Exam 1 solnSp16 Exam 1 solnFall16 Exam 1 solnFall17 Exam 1 solnFall18 Exam 1 solnSp19 Exam 1 solnFall19 Exam 1 solnFall20 Exam 1 solnSp21 Exam 1 solnFall21 Exam 1 solnSp22 Exam 1 solnFall22 Exam 1 solnSp23 Exam 1 solnFall23 Exam 1 soln Sp24 Exam 1 soln
Exam II: Mon, Oct 28, 2024 - Fall09 Exam 2 soln Sp10 Exam 2 soln Fall10 Exam 2 soln Sp11 Exam 2 soln Sum11 Exam 2 soln Fall11 Exam 2 soln Sp12 Exam 2 soln Fall12 Exam 2 soln Sp13 Exam 2 soln Fall13 Exam 2 soln Sp14 Exam 2 soln Fall14 Exam 2 solnSupplement Sp15 Exam 2 solnFall15 Exam 2 solnSp16 Exam 2 solnFall16 Exam 2 solnFall17 Exam 2 solnFall18 Exam 2 solnSp19 Exam 2 solnFall19 Exam 2 solnFall20 Exam 2 solnSp21 Exam 2 solnFall21 Exam 2 solnSp22 Exam 2 solnFa22 Exam 2 solnSp23 Exam 2 solnFall23 Exam 2 solnSp24 Exam 2 soln
Exam III: Thu, Dec 2, 2024 - Fall09 Exam 3 soln Sp10 Exam 3 soln Fall10 Exam 3 soln Sp11 Exam 3 soln Sum11 Exam 3 soln Fall11 Exam 3 soln Sp12 Exam 3 soln Fall12 Exam 3 soln Sp13 Exam 3 soln Fall13 Exam 3 soln Sp14 Exam 3 solnFall14 Exam 3 soln Sp15 Exam 3 solnFall15 Exam 3 soln Sp16 Exam 3 solnFall16 Exam 3 solnFall17 Exam 3 solnFall18 Exam 3 solnSp19 Exam 3 solnFall19 Exam 3 solnFall20 Exam 3 solnSp21 Exam 3 solnFall21 Exam 3 soln Sp22 Exam 3 soln Fall22 Exam 3 soln Sp23 Exam 3 soln Fall23 Exam 3 soln Sp24 Exam 3 soln
Final Exam: Fri, Dec 19, 2024, 1:30 PM - Fall12 Final Fall13 Final Sp14 Final


This course uses the Grainger College of Engineering ExamScheduler for organizing its online exams. You will receive the Zoom URL's for taking your online exams from the link ExamScheduler and access your exam from 350-on-Gradescope Exam and return back to it in pdf form. The mechanics of online exams will be explained in the class.


Grading Policy:

Homework and Class Participation 15% of total
Midsemester Exams 60% of total
Final Exam 25% of total