ECE 343: Electronic Circuits Lab

Useful Resources:

  • To access MATLAB on your personal device: MATLAB through MATLAB

  • To access MATLAB on the web: MATLAB on web

  • Please note that MATLAB through Citrix can only access the files in EWS Windows home directory.

Lab Assignments:

  • Lab exercises and lab manual must be completed in lab.

  • Labs must done in groups of two students.

  • Please ensure that your TA signs off on your work while completing the lab and before you leave the lab.

  • Post lab write-up is due before the beginning of the next lab.

  • Please clean up bench/cables after lab session.

  • Completed lab manual must submitted on Canvas by midnight of the day of completion of the entire lab.

  • Please note that course staff must be informed prior to the start of lab in case you will be missing a lab. Only one make-up lab is allowed for the semester. Make-up labs are allowed only for university approved reasons.

  • Lab attendance is required at all your regularly assigned lab sessions. No credit will be given for a lab in the case of an unexcused absence. Coming late to lab will affect your grade. Note that coming late by more than 20 minutes will count as an absence.

  • Academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade. Every student is expected to review and abide by the Academic Integrity Policy. Students should pay particular attention to Article 1, Part 4: Academic Integrity.

  • ECE 343 Channel (Recordings)

LabBackground MaterialTutorialLab Schedule
Passive Filters
RC Filters Intro
RC Filters 3-dB
RC Filters under Load
Log scale plots
RC filter and OpAmps
LTSpice Tutorial
LM741 LTspice Model

MATLAB sample code
Sections 2.1-3.3 : Jan. 21st/Jan. 23rd

Lab write-up due: Jan. 28th/Jan. 30th
Diode Intro
Diode DC analysis
Diode Incremental Analysis
Diode Incremental Analysis Example

Sections 2-3 : Jan. 28th/30th

Sections 4 : Feb. 04th/06th

Lab write-up due: Feb. 11th/ 13th
Linear Regulator Design
Power Supply Design Intro
Zener Diode Basics
Rs Design

Solder 1
Solder 2
Solder 3
D1N4002 Model
UA741 Model
Sections 1 - 5 : Feb. 11th/Feb. 13th
Sections 6 - 8 : Feb. 18th/Feb. 20th
Section 9 - 10: Feb. 25th/ Feb. 27th
Section 11 : Mar. 04th/ Mar. 06th

Lab write-up: Mar. 11th/13th
MOSFET: Large Signal Model
MOSFET Introduction
MOSFET Incremental Analysis
Exporting Data from Oscilloscope
Section 2.1-2.3 : Mar. 11th/Mar. 13th
Section 3.1-3.2 : Mar. 25th/Mar. 27th

Lab write-up: Apr. 01st/03rd
MOSFET ApplicationsDigital Logic Tutorial
Inverter Characteristics, Logic Gates Intro
Logic Gates Design

All sections: Apr. 01st/03rd

Lab write-up: Apr. 08th/10th

All sections: TBA