ECE 342: Electronic Circuits
Regrade Requestion Submission:
Submission Deadline: regrade request for midterm II must be submitted on class of 05/02.
Submission must have one cover page that clearly states out: 1) possible grading mistakes such as incorrect addition of total points; 2) reasons for additional credits based on the solutions you have written out.
Submission could be made either by giving your exams back (stapled with your cover page) to instructors directly.
Practice exams:
Exam I:
All regrade requests must be written, stapled to the exam, and submitted to the instructor after class on Wednesday, March 14.
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 7:00 PM in 1013, 1015 and 3017 ECEB.
Formula Sheet: Formula sheet
Coverage: Homeworks 1-5 and Lectures 1 - 15 not including CG and CD.
Calculators are allowed, but no cheat sheet.
Exam room: Room assigned based on first two letters of last name. Room 1013: “A” to “Kh”; Room 1015: “Ki” to “Sa”; Room 3017: else.
Exam statistics:
Exam | Mean | Standard deviation |
I | 76.80 | 15.47
Score | Exam I |
90-100 | 30 |
80-89 | 33 |
70-79 | 37 |
60-69 | 17 |
50-59 | 13 |
40-49 | 6 |
30-39 | 1 |
20-29 | 0 |
10-19 | 1 |
0-9 | 0
Exam II:
Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 7:00 PM in 1013, 1015 and 3017 ECEB.
Formula Sheet: Formula sheet
Coverage: Homeworks 6-9 and lectures 16-32.
Calculators are allowed, but no cheat sheet.
Exam room: Room assigned based on first two letters of last name. Room 1013: “A” to “Kh”; Room 1015: “Ki” to “Sa”; Room 3017: else.
Exam statistics:
Exam | Mean | Standard deviation |
I | 52.54 | 16.94
Score | Exam I |
90-100 | 2 |
80-89 | 6 |
70-79 | 14 |
60-69 | 21 |
50-59 | 27 |
40-49 | 28 |
30-39 | 17 |
20-29 | 9 |
10-19 | 2 |
0-9 | 0
Final Exam:
Date: Monday, May 7, 2018 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM in 1002 ECEB(combined).
Formula Sheet: Formula sheet
Coverage: This is a cumulative exam.
Calculators are allowed, but no cheat sheet.
Practice exam: here. You may ignore questions that are not covered this semester. Exam this year, spring 2018, will contain 12 problems